Chapter 7

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A knock on my door wakes me up from my slumber.

"Coming!" I shout as I comb my messy hair with my fingers and throw my hoodie over my body. "6 in the morning." I grumble as I open the door. I scrunch my eyes as I try to find out who it is through my blurry eyes. "Allison?"

"Hi! Um.... Can I come in?"

"What is it?" I ask, worrying about the fear creeping over her voice.

"It's about Grace."


"Mom? Are you sure?" I ask. "I mean, she's programmed to... It's impossible."

"Her mechanism could be failing. We need the Umbrella Academy to take a vote. Speaking of which, have you seen Five?"

"Nope." I lie. He is, in fact, asleep in my room.

"I am going to find proper lodgings tomorrow. Tonight, it's safer here."

"Well, you were the last person to see him." Allison says suspiciously. I shake my head violently.

Allison opens her mouth to speak. "Nope." I say with a menacing glare.

She raises her hands. "Okay! Geez, why so touch-" she stops as she reads my expression. "Meet at the academy later. You can collect Five." She quickly exits my apartment and the door clicks behind her. I sigh in relief and walk towards my room and slowly open the door.

Five is lying on the bed, his shoulders rising up and down steadily. He would almost look peaceful if it isn't for the burrowing of the brows, permanently itched onto his face. I lean against the doorframe and it makes a small creak.

Five jumps up from his bed, his eyes suddenly alert and his fist glows with energy until he sees my face. The light fades and his eyes fill with sleepiness. "What, you watching me sleep now?" he says with a smirk on his face.

"Allison wants the family to meet at the academy. It's about-"

"There's no time. I got to-"

"What, find out about the eye?" I ask. "If there was a record about it, I would have found it. Besides, you seemed to have plenty of time when you went to the department store to find your mannequin girlfriend."

"And now you're jealous of a mannequin."

"What would I be jealous of? I pity her for not having legs so she can't run away from you." Five blinks out of the room and I sigh before exiting the room to find him with the coffee pot in hand, pouring out a steaming mug of the brown liquid. I frown.

"I didn't make coffee."

"I did."

"So you were awake when-"


"Did you even-"

"Sleep? No."

"Then who said you could use my bed?"

He raises an eyebrow. "You did."

"Yeah, but- but-" The words die out of my mouth.

"Anywho, I need to get going. This-" he says, holding out the eye from his pocket. "-is the only lead I got in stopping the apocalypse."

"Do you have that on you when you sleep? Or is it shower too?"

"Do you have a better lead that I can follow? If you do, be my guest." Five says, sipping from his mug.

"He definitely has that when he showers." I mutter. I can't be sure but I seem to see Five smiling through his coffee. "By the way, I think you should come to the meeting." Five starts to speak but I cut him off. "Dad's dead and Mom's the only thing we got. It's only gonna take a few hours at most. Eyeballs can come later."

His eyes turn to one of confusion before glaring at me again. "It's a "few hours" we don't have enough of." He blinks out.


* Outside YN's house

Allison presses her ears out of Y/N's door and sighs as she walks down the stairs but jerks back as Five appears in front of her.

"Are you stalking Y/N now?" he asks, crossing his arms.

"Says the person who appeared at her doorstep." Allison says, also crossing her arms. "You have a room at the academy, you know. No need to steal Y/N's bed."

"I do know."

"Then why?"

"Cause she's the only person I can trust around here to not ask stupid questions like you do."

"It's not like you answer them anyways."

Five sighs and rubs his hands on his forehead "Because-


Yes I cut it off on purpose lol

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