The Start of Something Terrible

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(This was originally going to be about Jacksepticeye and Anti, but I changed my mind.)

It was a late Thursday evening at the Dawkins household and Lewis was exhausted; recording for three hours with Will and the Ryans will do that to you. When he finally got his ass in bed, he immediately died on the soft mattress. Youtube was a tiring job, but Lewis wouldn't trade it for another. He loved what he did, no matter how exhausted he was.

Sometimes though, there were things that would drive him a little crazy; like tonight, where a simple nightmare turned into the worst experience he ever had.


Lewis made his way through one of the dark halls of the pizzeria, a dim flashlight in his hand. The temperature was below freezing and the brunette could actually feel the cold air on his skin--like his bed was outside in a snowstorm. Whatever dream he was having was very lustrous and kinda terrified him in a way. Did he cover up with a blanket before he went to sleep? Probably not. The smell of pizza was overwhelming in the small confines of the decorated corridor. Maybe Chica was hungry and decided to cook some.

Ha, now Lewis really wanted to see the wide mouthed animatronic eat a slice of pizza. That would actually be pretty funny.

A small pipe by the nearest party room burst and nearly made the gamer jump out of his skin. The amount of steam that poured from the wall was....very concerning to Lewis and he had no idea why it just randomly broke like that. Hell, he didn't even know why there was a pipe there to begin with.

The place was very cold now, and Lewis could see through the reflection of an old television that his lips were already turning blue. This wasn't a game; He had to get out of wherever the hell he was and get to safety. Dream or not, he didn't want to die. Not like this

A small chuckle broke the gamer from his thoughts and Lewis actually let out a shriek once he realized he wasn't alone. Great, now whoever was there knew he was afraid.

"Hello Lewis."

In a panic, Lewis did a quick 180 and swung the flashlight with enough force to hit whoever was behind him. The figure staggered backwards with a grunt and that gave Lewis enough time to turn around and see who was there.

A man with dark eyes stood in front of Lewis, and his demeanor was...eerier than Lewis's own. He wasn't decent looking at all, and his clothes were covered in blood. Lewis recognized this person. He created this person.


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