Rescues and Kisses

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Baz made his way down the highway in a leisurely drive as he wondered what he was gonna do once he got to Will's place. He had to make sure Lewis had all the friends and support available. This was worse than anything anyone in their group had ever experienced.

He thought about calling Charlie and Marshall, but he didn't want to disturb them if they were busy or something. So he quickly decided that he would contact them the next day. (If he and Ryan were still staying at Lewis's by then.)

Despite Lewis's reassurance that he was feeling fine before Baz left, the red head still worried about his fellow YouTube friend and feared that he could be seriously hurt if they didn't do something soon. He couldn't keep staying up like that and if it continued, he would die before Darko had the chance to end him.

The Brit just decided to focus on getting to Will's place and turned up the air conditioning in order to try and calm himself down. 

He drove for a while before he came across a car crashed into a nearby tree. His heart dropped, nearly stopped, when he realized it was Will's car. No other cars surrounded it and there were no cops, so Baz came to the conclusion that this had just happened.

'No fucking way...'  Was his first thought as he slammed on the brakes, put his car in park, and opened his door, nearly breaking it off in absolute panic. His eyes were filling with tears when he approached the British man on the ground. 

Shivers ran down his spine once he realized that Will was bleeding. Badly.

"Will?! Holy shit, are you okay?" Baz crouched down by his hurt friend's side and shook him gently, making sure he was still awake.

"W-Wha...who's there?" The blond slurred as he looked up with squinted eyes. "B-Baz? Is that you?"

"Yeah, Will—it's me. I'm g-gonna get you to a hospital, okay?" The younger replied with a shaky tone as he carefully put his arms around the bleeding man.

"W-Where am I? What happened?"

Will's head was bleeding and it was easy to figure out that it was coming from a long cut on the side. It stained multiple areas of his hair in red and would definitely need stitches. His heart rate was erratic and Baz found out that one of his arms were broken given the musician's pained cries when he tried to help him hold on better.

"Try to stay awake, W-Will. I'll get you some help."

Baz was trying his best to not pass out right then and there as he started to pull away from the accident. 


" love me?" Lewis asked. His voice was quiet, but the color in his cheeks spoke volumes. 

Ryan grit his teeth and slammed his eyes shut in shame. His hand let go of Lewis's and went to sit in his lap instead.

"Yes. I never thought that I'd be attracted to guys until I met you, but after spending so much time keeping you safe I realized what I was missing in my life." Ryan's face was bright red at this point. "I don't want to sound cheesy or force you to feel the same but you make me happy in ways I never thought were possible. I really, really fucking love you, Lewis."

Lewis smiled and nearly knocked his friend off the couch as he tackled him down into a hug. His eyes met Ryan's; they were wide and full of confusion.

"I love you too, Ryan.... I can't be without you either and I don't feel safe unless you're here." Lewis's face colored more and he seemed scatter-brained about his next move. "I hate to sound cheesy too and make this seem like a conversation from a bad fanfiction, but.......ah fuck it."

Lewis grabbed Ryan by his collar and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips joined together perfectly, like they were the missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. There was no hesitation, no regrets, no joke involved. Lewis was happy to be in Ryan's arms, and Ryan was happy that Lewis felt the same towards him.

The blond sat up from his previous position and let the gamer sit comfortably in his lap as they continued. Lewis's arms wrapped around his neck and Ryan's rested on the younger's waist. Lewis mewled quietly at the feeling and he could feel the heat rise in his cheeks when he heard Ryan chuckle against his lips. 

It definitely wasn't Ryan's first kiss, but it was the best one he'd ever had. There wasn't an ounce of nervousness or fear like he imagined there would be. Instead, it was full of care and love and was as gentle as it possible.

 They pulled away for air and the sight of Ryan made Lewis dizzy. The blond was panting slightly and his lips were red and swollen from their little make out session. 

"R-Ryan...fuck, that was intense." Lewis breathed as he stared into the older's chocolate eyes.

"Heh....well, I mean, you started it."

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