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Walking through his dream was a bit different this time. Instead of the hallways with busted pipes and old televisions, Lewis found himself in the middle of the road; where traffic was insanely backed up for miles. But that's not what got his attention. What got Lewis's attention was the sky and the trees.

The clouds were gone and the heavens above were a deep shade of red. The trees were freaky too—a dark color of brown that was almost black and they were void of any leaves or wildlife.

Frantically looking around for Darko, Lewis caught sight of Will's car across the eight lanes beside him. His heart sank to his stomach as he saw that it was crashed into a tree and completely totaled.

To the left of the car, Lewis saw the unconscious form of his best friend on the ground. Not even a marathon runner could sprint as fast as he did in that moment. Even if they were in the greatest shape.

Everything around the brunette started to fade away as he got closer to his friend, but that didn't stop him from trying to get to him. He hopped over many cars as quick as possible, and almost got his leg crushed when one of them moved forward and almost hit him.

Lewis wasn't fast enough and everything was gone before he knew it. Will was gone, the cars were gone, and the road itself disappeared out of existence.


And once he shouted that, an invisible force shoved him to the ground harshly, which definitely opened a cut or two.

A sinister chuckle was heard behind him before a figure phased into view: Darko.

"You sounded pretty tough there for a second, Lewie. But you're weak willed—just another worthless meat sack."

Lewis grunted in pain as the bloody man above him stomped his foot against his back.

"I warned you that bad things would happen if you tried to stop me."

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Lewis tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but it was no use. He was helpless.


"Lewis! Wake up!" Ryan's voice was panicked as he shook his friend back to consciousness. The brunette on the couch opened his eyes and looked up at the male above him.


"Dude, you scared the hell out of me! I thought....I thought I was gonna be too late!"

"N-No, I'm fine...." Lewis choked out and smiled nervously. He was still in shock from what he saw in his dream. Will's car....Lewis wondered if that actually happened. His body was still a mess and his back was hurting from the dream he just had. Maybe Will was in danger?

Ryan leaned down on the younger male and embraced him in a tight hug and snapped him away from his thoughts.

"Thank God you're alright! When I heard you scream I just went for you, man..." Ryan sounded like he was about to cry. "I...God, my anxiety was kicking up there, Lewis. I thought I was gonna lose you before I had a chance to....." his words faded into a sob and Lewis immediately hugged him back just as tight as Ryan was hugging him.

"Hey, Hey, hey....I'm okay, Ryan." He reassured. Ryan just laid his head against the other's chest and sobbed quietly to himself for a while.

Lewis felt safe for the first time in two days. All because of his friend.

"Lewis....I h-have to t-tell you something..."

"What is it?"

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