The Truth

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Lewis stepped out into the living room where Ryan was about to collapse and put a halt to the blond's rambling. Everyone was deathly silent the second Will saw Lewis's face. The look in his eyes shouted the words "what the fuck" as his jaw fell open. The gamer nervously turned to the British man on the couch, who had the previously discarded ice pack on his forehead.

"Jus' tell 'em, Lew..." he slurred and closed his heavy eyes. "It's okay."

Lewis froze. He was afraid to turn back around. A thousand excuses were swirling through his brain, but none seemed sufficient enough to say out loud. This was his friend, he would need to turn around and face the truth. He supposed he deserved it anyway. After everything that he'd been through, he deserved Lewis's honesty. He sucked in a breath and slowly turned around to face him.

What he saw truly scared him. He expected him to be angry, but he looked more scared...panicked even.

"What is this?" he questioned. "This can't be real. What happened to you?!" His arms moved quickly and he started pacing nervously.

Will was firing questions too fast for Lewis to answer. "Will..." he tried to break into the musician's rambling, but he just continued. Slowly, he took a step in his direction. His hands were up in a placating gesture, trying to show him that he needed to be calm. He wanted to explain.

Lewis was afraid that Will might pass out, given how nervous he looked, so he came forward and led him to the table in the kitchen.

"Okay Will...try to calm down. Take deep breaths. I'll tell you everythi..."

Will launched forward and pulled the younger male in for a hug. Holy shit, he didn't expect him to do this. He must've really scared him in the living room.

Lewis stuttered nervously, "God, Will..." he ran a hand through his friend's thin hair. "I know I should have said something. I thought about this so many times, but I could never think of the right thing to say. You've been through so much. We've been through so much. I didn't know how to tell you this. It seemed crazy. I knew you would worry, and I hate to make you worry."

"What um....what happened to you?" Will's voice cracked as he let go of Lewis and leaned back in his seat.

"I...I was attacked in my sleep. By Darko. It was so fucking terrible, Will. I didn't think something like this could happen. I tried calling you for help—but you didn't answer, so the Ryans came over and..."

Lewis's words trailed off as Will let out a dry chuckle and stood up from his chair.

"Lewis, I came here because I was worried about you. I was freaked the fuck out when I saw you like this, and the best thing you could tell me is that you were beaten up by something that isn't real?"

"It's true, Will. I swear." Lewis crossed his arms in disappointment and stopped his friend from moving any further. Will looked annoyed.

"Why can't you just tell me the truth?"

"I did tell you the truth! Darko attacked me! Look! These are his claw marks!" The gamer pleaded as he desperately rolled up his sleeve. The musician sighed and looked down at Lewis's scratched up arm. His chuckle returned  and his tone shifted to a deeper level.

"Those look like your fingernails, Lewis."

"Are you fucking kidding me?! You think I staged all this or something? That I'm just here to play with your emotions?"

"I'm starting to. Look, I shouldn't have asked you what happened since you're clearly too afraid to tell me what actually went down. I'll just....I'll come over some other time. I can't handle this right now."

And with that, Will left the house.

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