Unexpected Bonds

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Aviraj and Abhay made their way through the fields of Bilaspur, the setting sun casting a warm glow over the landscape. They were headed towards the remote location where their meeting with Brijesh Gupta was scheduled to take place. They didn't take anyone with them as they let their entourage enjoy the village a little bit.

As they walked, Aviraj's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the impending deal. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over him since their arrival in Bilaspur. Abhay, on the other hand, remained silent, lost in his own thoughts.

Little did they know, their lives were about to take an unexpected turn, guided by the hand of fate and the cunning machinations of Brijesh Gupta.

As they reached the meeting spot, Brijesh greeted them with a sly smile, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He had been waiting for this moment, planning his next move with careful precision.

"Welcome, gentlemen," he said, his voice dripping with false warmth. "I believe you had a pleasant journey?"

Aviraj and Abhay exchanged a  glance, sensing that something was wrong. Brijesh's smile widened as he gestured towards the table where the contract lay waiting.

"Shall we begin?" he asked, his eyes flickering.

Aviraj and Abhay took their seats, their minds filled with thoughts of the deal that lay before them. Little did they know, Brijesh had other plans in mind.

As they began to discuss the terms of the contract, Brijesh's true intentions became clear in his mind. He had no intention of sealing the deal with Pure Oil, instead planning to manipulate Aviraj and Abhay into marrying his son Ranjeet's chosen bride and her friend.

Aviraj and Abhay's eyes widened in shock as Brijesh outlined his plan, their minds reeling with disbelief. They had never imagined that their business meeting would take such a drastic turn.

Brijesh smirked as he watched their reaction, reveling in the chaos he had unleashed. He knew that by forcing Aviraj and Abhay into marriage, he could secure their loyalty to the village and ensure his own financial gain.

Without another word, Brijesh signaled to his henchmen, who quickly moved to execute his plan. Before Aviraj and Abhay could react, they found themselves surrounded, their escape cut off by the menacing figures that loomed over them.

"Wha- what is the meaning of this?" Aviraj demanded, his voice trembling with anger.

Brijesh chuckled darkly as he stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Aviraj and Abhay. "I'm afraid you gentlemen have no choice in the matter," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "You will marry the brides I have chosen for you, or face the consequences."

Aviraj and Abhay exchanged a helpless glance, realizing that they were trapped. They had no choice but to comply with Brijesh's demands, lest they suffer the consequences of his wrath.

Meanwhile, Meera and Sanjana stood trembling nearby, their hearts pounding with fear. They had been brought to the field under false excuses by Ranjeet, who himself didn't know what was happening, unaware of the danger that awaited them. Aviraj Recognised Sanjana from the temple and Abhay recognized Meera from the temple. He knew she had a boyfriend.

As Brijesh's henchmen dragged them forward, Meera and Sanjana's eyes widened in horror. They had no idea what was happening, only that their lives were about to change forever.

Before they could protest, they found themselves standing before Aviraj and Abhay, their fate sealed by the cruel hand of destiny. Brijesh smirked triumphantly as he forced them to get married, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

As Aviraj and Abhay reluctantly placed the bridal bangles on Meera and Sanjana's wrists, they couldn't help but feel a sense of despair wash over them. Aviraj and Abhay were taken away by Brijesh's people. Meera and Sanjana, looking scared, were also there. Brijesh had a wicked smile and said they were going to have a wedding.

Aviraj and Abhay couldn't believe it. They tried to say no, but Brijesh's people were too strong and on top of that they blackmailed them, that if they don't marry they could maybe harm their family as they were the ones sending oil. Soon, they were in a wedding ceremony.

In the middle of a field, with the sounds of the village around them, the wedding started. Aviraj and Abhay put sindoor on Sanjana and Meera's foreheads, a sign of marriage. They promised to be there for each other forever, even though they didn't really want to.

As they put a nuptial chain around Sanjana and Meera's necks, Aviraj and Abhay felt trapped. Meera and Sanjana cried quietly, feeling scared and confused.

They knew that their lives would never be the same again, bound together by the chains of fate and the merciless whims of a shrewd businessman.

Meera and Sanjana, too, felt a sense of dread as they were thrust into their new roles as wives, their hearts heavy with uncertainty. They had no idea what the future held for them, only that they were now bound to men who saw them as nothing more than pawns in a twisted game.

As the sunset, Aviraj and Abhay realized that they were now entangled in a web of deceit and betrayal from which there was no escape. And as they looked into the eyes of their new brides, they couldn't help but wonder what other horrors awaited them in the dark depths of the night.

As the evening sky darkened, Aviraj and Abhay found themselves in a difficult situation, surrounded by Brijesh's men, who made it clear they had to follow Brijesh's orders, no matter what.Meera and Sanjana, feeling scared and helpless, looked at each other. They knew they were now married, but they hadn't chosen this path. Brijesh, with a smug look, announced their marriage, almost mocking them.Aviraj and Abhay felt a mix of frustration and guilt. They were trapped, but they also felt sorry for Meera and Sanjana, who were forced into this marriage against their will.Brijesh, thinking he had succeeded in his plan, believed that by marrying off his son's chosen brides to wealthy men like Aviraj and Abhay, he would gain more power in the village.However, Brijesh's actions would have significant consequences, altering the lives of everyone involved.After the marriage ceremony, Brijesh's men escorted Aviraj, Abhay, and their new wives back to the village. Meera and Sanjana looked back at the field, unsure of what the future held for them.As they walked, Aviraj and Abhay realized they were now tied to Meera and Sanjana in unexpected ways. They vowed to themselves that they would fight against Brijesh's control and find a way to break free.Arriving back in the village, they knew their journey was just beginning. They were determined to uncover Brijesh's secrets and reclaim their freedom. But they were also aware that it wouldn't be easy.Moreover, Aviraj and Abhay couldn't shake off the feeling that Meera and Sanjana might have been part of Brijesh's plan all along. They couldn't help but think of them as gold diggers, only interested in their wealth. This suspicion added another layer of complexity to their already complicated situation.

--Your Author

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