Chapter 12

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Abhay's Room

Abhay was pacing back and forth in the room. He was thinking of what he saw in the office in Meera's neck

'Was it really a mangalsutra? Is she still wearing my Managalsutra? But why? She has a boyfriend right? I have to ask her'  Abhay's mind was asking him many questions

He comes outside of his room. Making sure that nobody is on the floor. He walks towards Meera's room. Meera's room was right beside his room. 

Meera was almost going to sleep. When she heard a knock on her door. 'Who it could  be? at this time?' she thinks looking at the clock

Walking slowly towards the door. She carefully opens the door. She sees Abhay standing outside. 

Abhay enters her room and closes the door behind. Meera gulps again "What happened sir?"

"Quit it. What is in your neck?" Abhay asks pointing towards her neck.

"What is it?" Meera asks cleaning her neck.

"I saw a chain in your neck. What is it?" Abhay asks and  Meera gets scared.

"It.. It's nothing" She says looking here and there. 

"Really?" Abhay asks 

"Yes" Meera answers "Now I have to sleep. I have to get up early tomorrow" she adds

"Then what's that chain on your neck" He ask folding his hands on his chest

"It..It..It just...It is just a normal chain. I don't know what you saw" She says stammering

Abhay walks closer to her and Meera walks back. "Sir I have to get up early morning. Please leave."

He pulls her closer to him by her shoulder. Meera flinches and in that flash her mangalsutra comes out. 

Abhay gets shocked looking at that. It was the same mangalsutra which he made her wear. "Why are you wearing it?" He asks angrily

Meera gulps and hide it. "I asked you something Meera" Abhay says gritting his teeth. "Don't you have a boyfriend, Ranjeet?"  

Hearing Ranjeet's name Meera got goosebumps. She remembered of everything that happened in Bilaspur and tears welled in her eyes.

"Si..Sir. I have to sleep." She started waking towards her bed but Abhay again held her and pulled her closer by her shoulder.

"Tell me Meera... everything" He says gritting his teeth

"I.. I don't know. Wha... What do you want to.. to know?" She asks

"I want to know everything that happened in Bilaspur" He says

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