Chapter 14

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Meera and Abhay

Meera was especially feeling happy today. She saw Aviraj and Sanju getting closer. She was happy for her for her best friend. She was in no mood to take scoldings from Abhay. 

After breakfast they left for office. Meera was sitting right in front of Abhay, in the office. Abhay was stealing glances. Meera was fully focused on her work.

'I have to meet Alisha, but I don't know what I should tell her' Abhay thinks looking towards Meera. Meera feels someone's glances on her. She looks up and see Abhay already looking at her. 

"Do you need something sir?" She asks getting up

"Uh..No ..No. Continue with your work" He says looking down

After some time a phone rings. It was Alisha.

"I cannot take you out Alisha today. I am sorry I have some work today" He says

Meera looks at him . Abhay looks at her. She looks down.

Entire day passes on without him getting angry or rude with her. It was 6 pm Abhay looks at her. "Uh... Meera. I .. I think we should leave now." He says

"Oh.. Okay!" Meera says and starts packing her things.

She was waiting for a cab near the office building and suddenly Abhay's car pulls up. "We can go home together" he says . "No sir, I can manage" She says clutching her purse tighter.

"Meera please" Abhay says. Meera looks at him shocked. She was trying to read his expression. She couldn't read anything. Eventually she gets in the car. 

She notices that her was looking at her and trying  to say something but then again looks ahead driving. 

"Sir, are you alright?" she ventured cautiously, unsure of how he would respond.He paused mid-stride, turning to face her with a searching look in his eyes. 

"Meera, I... I wanted to apologize," he began hesitantly, surprising her with his admission.

Meera's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Apologize? For what?"

Abhay sighed, running a hand through his hair in a rare display of vulnerability. "For my behavior towards you in the past. I realize I've been... distant, and perhaps even harsh at times. It wasn't fair to you."

Meera blinked, taken aback by his unexpected confession. The weight of his words hung in the air between them, stirring a mix of emotions within her. She had long harbored her own frustrations about their strained relationship, but hearing Abhay acknowledge it openly was both unsettling and strangely comforting.

"Sir," she started softly, choosing her words carefully, "I can understand, and I've never taken it personally."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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