A Lesson about Morals (Singing System)

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Song: Morality Lesson, by Will Stetson

Let the Oneshot commence!

(Location: Rooftop)

Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High School, the most prestigious school in Japan. Where only the best of the best can graduate, the elites. However a certain brown haired boy is currently re-evaluating the integrity of that claim.

As currently he is stuck in-between an argument with two of these so called elites. That being Horikita Suzune and Kushida Kikyo, his classmates in D class.

Now you are maybe wondering why these specific two are arguing? Well they both went to the same middle school. The same one with an huge incident that caused a class to be suspended for the entire year.

Let me just tell you how it happened. So basically Kushida was your average good hearted classmate who's always there for you. The angel of her classroom. However having to carry all of her class's secrets was exhausting. Eventually someone needs to vent out their frustrations just like how her classmates did to her.

Which is the part her blog came in. It was a place where she could say all the things she couldn't say herself and at the same remain anonymous. Because the risk her reputation being ruined if she tried to normally.

However for reasons she still can't figure out, the blog was found out by one of her classmates and was then deduced that it was her who wrote all posted all of those messages. Her reputation then plummeted, her so called friends turned their backs against her. The boy she liked called he ugly.

It all went to hell for her. But when someone gets attacked it's only normal to return fire no? She had one weapon to fight back with, her classmates secrets. So she spilled it all, every major, minor info ranging to who hated who and what people talk behind other people's backs. Which caused her class to self destruct

How does this answer the question as to why they are arguing? I'll tell you, Kushida thinks that Horikita knows of her actions in middle school and that puts a risk on her social standing in the class. Her hate only sky-rocketed when Horikita, with the guidance of Ayanokoji beat her in a face off during the Paper Shuffle exam. Forcing her to stop any more direct attempts at expelling Horikita and Ayanokoji.

Unfortunately in actuality Horikita has no idea was she is talking about. But the two-faced bitch was too stubborn and paranoid to trust Horikita's word.

Let us see what our favorite brown haired protagonist has to say about it.

"They have been going at it for an hour now. At this rate I would miss the Ice Cream Parlor scheduled to open today, at 3:00 pm. Not to mention It's already 2:52 pm. At this rate I'm gonna need to intervene."


His phone rang which prompted him to check it. The contents of the message made him raise his eyebrow in interest.

"This looks completely fake but it it's true.... Then this may work." He mused in his head after finishing reading the message.

"Kushida for the last time, I have no knowledge of what happened during middle school. You have to cooperate so we can reach class A." Horikita tried to reason with Kushida. Unfortunately no signs of it is working.

"Oh but Horikita, I am cooperating with the class. Just not with you that's all." She spoke in her usually tone but with noticable venom towards Horikita.

"Can we atleast reach compromise? The hostilities between us would be thorn to bear during class battles." Horikita replied with an irrefutable fact to shed at light on the problem.

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