Married Life at 16!

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Thank you everyone for waiting.

Sometimes life's a bitch, and that includes exams. I had just finished my semi-finals and now it's time for Finals. Again I ask you guys to please bear with me.

As always, let the Oneshot commence!

It was an early morning judging by the sun coming through my curtains. I slept like a log last night, the amount of things that happened took me out and left me completely exhausted.

Grabbing my phone, I turned it on to check the time. It was 6:04 am, I'm getting rusty, that's going to be a problem. My morning routine usually consisted of waking up at 5 and doing a 5 km jog. Then heading to the school gym to to do some lifting to keep my body in tip top shape in case of any unknown variable that may appear.

Well I can do that tomorrow. I sat up to stretch my arms out, suddenly I heard a groan that isn't mine. Confused, I pulled away the blankets to see a beautiful young girl peaceful sleeping next to me.

Instantly my mind went overdrive trying to figure out why she's here and how did we end up like this. Looking towards the table, I noticed a few beer cans opened possibly from last night.

Maybe we had drinks and got drunk? Did I actually take advantage of girl while she was drunk!? Nah... Of course not I'm a perfectly average student that follows the 'rules'. The only explanation that makes sense is that she fell asleep here.

She rolled around for a bit before slowly opening her eyes. Noticing my my presence she smiled and lunged to hug me. It was tight one as she had a strong grip. She definitely didn't lose her touch after 'dropping out'.

"Goodmorning Kiyotaka~" She greeted me lovingly with her mouth whispering my name close to my ear where I could feel her breath.

"Good morning to you as well Yuki. While I appreciate the hug... Your kinda choking me here. Can you please give me space?" I managed to say while being held by her strong grasp.

"Mm... Fine. But you have to treat me to lunch! Hehe~" Yuki giggled as her hug loosened allowing me to breath again. Seriously... control your urges woman.

Shaking my head I stood up and grabbed the empty beer cans to throw them in the trash. Picking up a few items that were laying on the ground and placing them on the table. Making sure they are organized

I then turned my attention towards Yuki as I see her making my bed in record speed. Folding the blankets neatly before placing them down on the pillows.

"You can go use the bathroom first. I'm going to make us some breakfast while you go and freshen up. I'll go after your done, so just leave the water on."

"Alright Kiyotaka." She nodded before grabbing her school uniform and some shampoo. Entering the bathroom and locking the door behind her as I then hear sounds of water gushing.

Well this is my life now, the Chairman had placed our dorms next to each other to make it 'convenient' for the two of us. However he didn't plan for Yuki to go and sleep in my room.

If anyone finds out about this, it will be quite troublesome. My classmates did not know of her existence as of yet when she first arrived and I would have preferred it that way.

But with my bad luck, a few of you all could guess that it didn't go into how I wanted it to. Moreover you'd all be probably wondering why I'm in this situation in the first place? Well it all started a few days ago....



I had just came back after being forced by Haruka to carry bags from her shopping spree with Airi. My back was aching with pain from it and I feel like I'm about to collapse.

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