Married Life at 16! (Pt 2)

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After a couple of minutes, Yuki exited the bathroom wearing a fresh uniform accompanied with natural make up to finish off the look. She came towards me with a smile, twirling herself to show off her charms.

"So Kiyotaka. What do you think?" She asked me about my opinion with an anticipated look. Waiting patiently for my answer

"I must say, you look quite good wearing the school uniform." It was the truth. If looks could kill, she would be facing a life sentence.

"Hehe~ Of course I look good! I have to look the best for my dear Kiyotaka." Her mood seemed to have increased tremendously when she heard my compliment.

"Right... (2x) That's enough with the chit-chat. The food is going to get cold at this rate. Come, let's eat together."

We both took our seats at the table where the plates of food is situated. Sitting ourselves on the cushions I provided. As I opened the silver cover, the mouth watering aroma filled my small dorm. Enticing a drool from my fiance.


This is the kind of behavior you'd see a small child would do. Which, funnily enough, unironically fit the description for her, from what I've observed these past few days.

Multiple times I've been exposed to childish teasing and being openly made fun of my very monotone face. I could compare this with the Ayanokoji Group. But still pales when it comes to Yuki.

You see, when the girl who teases you knows alot about your past to point where it could be considered childhood friends standard by a few others roast's you. It hits where it hurts the most.

The other thing I've noticed is that she's really open in showing her affection towards me in public without any fear. She's so bold in fact that social anxiety is afraid of her.

Even at the Whiteroom, she was the only one during the curriculum, who managed to keep her emotions. While I applaud the willpower and positive outlook. It was however a weakness in that harsh environment. Which was ultimately one of the main reasons she dropped out. However in this completely new environment where social skills are needed to negotiate and form alliances with other people from other classes. She was a highly valued player in the long run.

I've seen her do regular talks with other people in the class without any nervousness at all. I was impressed with how she quickly integrated herself in class hierarchy so easily and efficiency. It wouldn't be farfetched to say that her ability to adapt in a situation is now comparable to that of the likes of past Shiro. She didn't lose much of her touch with her skills at all. In fact it was a huge improvement.

One time I asked her about how to deal if a sudden terrorist attack were to occur at he campus and how she would react. At first she would first discern the danger level of the hostiles before planning out her next moves. When it's completed, based on what she could gather.

If the terrorists are heavily armed and trained she would just stay passive and not do anything irrational to jeopardize the safety of the other students and herself. Instead, waiting by quickly informing the teacher as subtlety and quietly as she can, letting law enforcement to arrive and deal with such a threat.

Now here's where things get interesting. If the terrorists were under-prepared and have little to no training she would done things differently. First she would carefully escape from the group undetected when they are not paying attention. Having the school layout memorized she would outmaneuver the terrorists into a more favorable position for her. Taking out hostiles one by one, using any means necessary. Until there but only a few left confused at the radio silence from their communication devices. Essentially forcing the terrorists to experience guerilla warfare.

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