Help from a friend (Singing System)

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Song: Why Do I?, by Will Stetson

Let the Oneshot commence!

(Location: Outside Convenience Store)

It was a normal Friday for our protagonist. Classes went on as normal and everyone behaved as intended after getting humbled during May.

Safe to say it was peaceful for time being. Since it was the weekend tomorrow, the Ayanokoji Group had made plans to hangout and overall just enjoy the free time.

Atleast it was supposed to until Airi (Certified underrated girl) does completely out of character for her.

"Ayanokoji can we meet up and Keyaki Mall tomorrow? Just the two of us..." Was the words that came out of the red head, which completely caught the attention of the group and most definitely Ayanokoji.

"A-Airi.... I didn't think you were so bold..." Said Haruka who was wide eyed, however underneath she was celebrating like a proud mother.

*Cough! Cough! Cough!* Keisei who was drinking a soda nearly choked, completely caught of guard from the sudden development.

While Akito was just standing by and watching the whole scene with an amused face knowing that the two are misunderstanding Airi.

Ayanokoji on the other hand also deduced Airi didn't mean it like that so he waited until Airi can explain.

The girl on the other hand was blushing from the realization of what she just said sounded wrong. So after quickly calming herself she managed to say that she needed Ayanokoji's help with something.

Thankfully for her, the group understood her true intentions now and Haruka apologized for quickly assuming without any context. Which Airi said was fine, and that she should've worded it better.

In the end they decided to move the hangout over to Sunday. Everyone agreed and we time skip to the next day...

(Ayanokoji's POV)

I woke up feeling refreshed, the morning sun subtlety shining through the curtains. Giving the atmosphere of an early morning.

Getting up from my bed I headed to take a bath and then cook breakfast. I learned this skill as a point saving strategy in case I get really low on points.

Making myself some simple curry with spicy sauce, I placed them on the table before thanking the gods for this meal.


Now I'm not the type of person to believe in the supernatural. But after what happened during a few weeks ago with Kushida and Horikita. I can safely say gods do exist, and somehow got the attention attention of one. Well his daughter really.

Sigh... How troublesome.

"Oh right..." I remembered that I have a meeting with Sakura today at Keyaki Mall. After finishing the food, I washed the plates before heading to brush my teeth.

Putting on my clothes I wore a normal green shirt with black jeans topping it off with a blue hoodie. Adding the finishing touches, I grabbed the hat that was placed on the chair which was bought a few days ago.

I went outside my dorm, locking it for good measure and went towards the elevator pressing the ground floor. The doors opened and I entered waiting till I reached my destination.

It opened again when it reached the desired floor, which I walked out onto. I gave a wave towards the lady at the counter before making my way towards the Mall.

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