16. Flying slipper

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"Come. Come inside," Mira dragged her brother into the house. 

She knew that her elder brother wasn't going to answer truthfully if she confronted him about his relationship, just like that. She needed evidence and witnesses to support her cause. That was why she decided to bring her brother in front of the elders for questioning. 

She grabbed her brother by his wrist and pulled him along as she walked back to the neighbor's house. 

Mihit sensed that Mira was mad at him but was confused about what reason it could be. She looked like an angry bunny to him. 

He was wearing a biker jacket with a helmet hanging from his arm. He didn't even get the chance to set down the helmet. His sister had dragged him over as soon as he got off his bike.

He was disheveled due to the lack of sleep in the past few days. The new project was taking a toll on him. All he wished was to get some sleep when he came over to his parent's place for the weekend.

Mihit frowned when he saw his mother along with Sarth and his parents sitting in the living room of Sarth's house. 

The atmosphere seemed really heavy as well. He could feel the judging gaze that the three elders were directing at him.

Mira let go of her brother's hand and joined the elders mirroring their expressions.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Mihit felt uneasy under the burning gazes.

"Tell us everything Mihit" Jolly demanded seeing her son.

She was happy that her son was finally showing some interest in someone but was a bit disappointed that it was Bella and not her who got to know of the matter first.

"Huh?" Mihit asked in confusion. He had no idea what they were asking about.

"Stop acting dump, Phi. P' Sa already told us everything" Mira hinted.

Mihit's frown deepened as his gaze wandered to Sarth, who was looking at the furniture next to him as if it was the most interesting and beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He wondered what kind of hole Sarth had dug for him to jump into. "I don't know what you all are talking about." He said firmly. 

"Alright! If you want to keep up the act so be it!" Jolly glared at her son. She was already upset that Mihit didn't tell her about him dating a guy and now, he was acting as if he knew nothing.

"Why have you not been coming home during the past three weekends?" She asked. Her son normally used to come back on Fridays and go back to his place on Sunday nights.

Ever since the beginning of this month, Mihit had never come home during weekends. When they had enquired why he wasn't coming, he had given them the answer that he was working on an important project, and he had to work through the weekends to finish it off on time.

Both she and her husband had believed what Mihit told them till today. If not for Sarth revealing that Mihit was seeing someone, they would have kept thinking that their son was working himself to death.

"Mom, I told you. I had work to finish," Mihit just wanted to get this over with and go to bed.

"Work?" Jolly scoffed. "Was this work with a guy named Ayut?"

"Yes," Mihit answered truthfully. Even though he had worked from home, he still submitted the work to Ayut. So, technically, it was not wrong to say that he was working with Ayut.

The next second, a flying slipper came his way.

Mihit ducked down in order to avoid the incoming slipper, out of reflex.

Ek, Mihit, and Mira's father, who had come over to see why his daughter had dragged his son over to their neighbor's house, was the one who received the slipper on his face.

Ek wasn't expecting the slipper and was hit as soon as he stepped into the house.

Everyone gasped at the scene. Ek held his nose and stared at the crowd in front of him.

"I am so sorry, honey." Jolly rushed over to her husband's side to check if he was okay.

She helped him to the seat. Bella brought an ice pack over from the refrigerator to put on the wound.

"I am really sorry, dear. I wasn't expecting you to come over." Jolly turned to scowl at her son. "It is all because of this brat you raised."

"What did I do, Mom?" Mihit immediately went on defensive mode. He didn't even know what is going on there. He was asked to answer a question and when he did, he was attacked. "It was you who threw the slipper. Not me!"

"Ek, you have spoiled him too much." Jolly told her husband.

Ek, who was holding the ice pack over his face, glanced at Mihit, who looked equally confused on what was going on and then at his wife. "What did he do?"

"Did you know that he had been lying to us the whole time!?" At the moment Jolly looked like a dragon who could breathe fire from her flaring nostrils.

"What lie, Mom?" Mihit asked impatiently.

"Lie that you have been working on weekends!"

"I was working on weekends mom!"

Jolly was bend down to pick her other slipper, but Ek caught her. 

"Mihit, are you telling the truth? Were you really working?" Ek asked his son while holding his angry wife back.

"Of course, Dad. I don't know why mom thinks that I am lying" Mihit was the kind who spend his days off curled up at home. He wasn't the kind that went out to meet friends or party on weekends. It was out of his understanding why his mother would think that he was lying.

"Jo, what makes you think that Hit is lying?" Ek asked his wife.

"Sa, come here" She beckoned, holding his phone that was handed to her by Bella. "Unlock the phone."

Sarth gulped in fear. If he unlocked the phone, everyone would see the pics and if he doesn't, he would look suspicious. He feared being attacked by five people over being beaten up by Mihit. So, he gathered courage and unlocked it.

"Take a look at this" Jolly showed the photos to her husband.

Mihit too walked over to the group to see what was on the phone. "What is wrong with this?" He asked as he saw his father scrolling through the selfies Sarth had taken the other day.

"You still have the guts to ask what is wrong after keeping us in the dark for so long!" Jolly growled at her son.

"Keep you in the dark? What are you talking about? And how are these pics related to me not coming back anyway? This one was taken last month" Mihit couldn't make sense of anything.

"You have been seeing this kid Ayut since last month?" Jolly asked skeptically.

"Seeing him?" He did see Ayut every day. Afterall, they lived in the same building and were working together. It was normal for him to see Ayut every day.

"Don't play dumb, P' Hit. P' Sa already told us that you are seeing P' Ayut and was only planning on telling us when you two became an official couple" Mira chimed in.

Mihit's gaze slowly landed on Sarth, who was sweating bullets.

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