Chapter 5

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Third P.O.V.

It's been at least a few months since Aerion and Laena's wedding. Aerion was in his study when the door opened. He smiles knowing it's his wife and he turns to her. 

"Hello, Little Dragon." Aerion greets his wife and kisses her cheek.

"Hello, My Fire." Laena said with a smile as she sat on his lap. "And I have some news." 

Aerion looks at her with a raised eyebrow. 

"And what's that?" Aerion asks.

"We are set to have a baby in the next six months." Laena answered letting her husband process what she said. 

"Are you serious?" Aerion asks instantly.

"I am very serious." Laena said with a smile.

He stood up and twirled her around cheering.

"I'm going to be a father!" Aerion yells out happily.

Laena laughs.

"We must tell our parents." Laena told her husband. 

"Right, let's go!" Aerion said picking Laena up and rushing out of his room. 

He knew a council meeting would start soon.

"Find Princess Rhaenys and tell her to come to the council room!" Aerion commands a servant who nods before rushing off to find the princess.

"Can you put me down now?" Laena asks. 

"Right, sorry my love." Aerion said kissing her cheek and set her down.

The two walk to the council room to see almost everyone there including his sister. 

"Prince Aerion, Lady Laena." The council men greet.

"Father, My Lords, sister." Aerion greets.

"Me and Aerion have some news but we are waiting for my mother." Laena said greeting her father who smiled at her.

Soon Rhaenys walks in and she stands next to her husband.

"This won't take long. But Laena is pregnant." Aerion spoke holding his wife close to him.

"Congratulations my son!" Viserys said hugging his son.

"Congrats, stepson." Lyra said with a smile.

Lyra and Viserys got married two months after Laena and Aerion did. 

"How far are you my daughter?" Corlys asks. 

"The Maester says three months almost four." Laena answered.

"Congrats, brother." Rhaenyra says bitterly.

"Don't be so bitter sister." Aerion told his sister.

Rhaenyra walks out of the room and soon Rhaenys leaves the room not before congratulating her daughter. 

"I'll see you later, My Fire." Laena said kissing her husband's cheek and followed after her mother. 

Aerion sits down as the men all gave him congratulations on the child. The council meeting went on for a few hours before it ended. The rest of the men leave, but Viserys noticed how his son didn't say much during the meeting, which is more than unusual.

"Aerion, I need to speak with you." Viserys says, to his son.

"Of course." Aerion said as he sits back down.

"There must be something on your mind. What's going through your head?" Viserys asks, as he watches his son sigh.

"I fear that Rhaenyra is going hurt Laena, father." Aerion replied.

"What do you want me to do with her?" Viserys.

"I don't know." Aerion said before he gets up and walks out of the room before he's confronted by his uncle Daemon. "Uncle." 

"Aerion wonderful to see you." Daemon greeted with a smirk. "What's this I hear about you talking bad about your sister?" 

"She's just acting bitter because I have a wife now and a child on the way." Aerion answered before walking past his uncle. 

"Have you figured out what you're going to do with her?" Daemon asks. 

"No." Aerion said as he walked away.

Aerion headed back to his study but noticed his door was opened. He snaps his fingers and two guards appear.

"Prince Aerion?" The first guard said. 

"I closed my door when I left for the council meeting. Did you see anyone walk past you?" Aerion asks. 

"Yes, Princess Rhaenyra, muttering something about how she's going to be with you if it's the last thing she would do." The second guard answers.

"Fuck!" Aerion hisses. "Go get my father, the commander and have guards guarding Lady Laena." 

"Yes, Prince Aerion." The two said before rushing off.

He opened his door and saw his sister standing in the middle of the room. She turns when she hears his footsteps. She smiled and Aerion sighs before crossing his arms.

"What do you want sister?" Aerion asks. 

"I want you." Rhaenyra said stepping closer to her brother. 

"I'm married Rhaenyra." Aerion said. 

"Please." Rhaenyra said slowly taking off her dress.

Aerion turns not wanting to see his sister naked.

"Put your dress back on." Aerion said keeping his eyes away from his sister.

"What does Laena have that I don't?" Rhaenyra asks. "I'm older than her, prettier and I can give you lots of children."

"Rhaenyra! Put your damn dress back on and we will sit down and talk about this!" Aerion exclaimed.

She runs and stands in front of him throwing his sword to the side and tries to rip her brother's pants off. He grabs a hold of her and puts a sheet over her before tying her up. There was a knock on the door.

"Stay." Aerion commanded to his sister who glared heavily at him.

He opened the door to see his father and the commander.

"We're going to have to do something with Rhaenyra." Was the first thing he said as he let them into the room. 

"What did she do?" Viserys asks.

"She came into my study to wait for me and took her dress off so she could have sex with me. I refused and she tried attacking me." Aerion answered.

"Get your dress on Rhaenyra." Viserys told his only daughter. "Commander bring her to the council room, when she's done." 

"Yes, Your Grace." The Commander said.

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