Chapter 10

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Third P.O.V.

Aerion and Aemond just arrived on Dragonstone. They were greeted by the Dragonkeepers who were told the reason the two princes were there. They left the two princes alone. They walked to the other side of Dragonstone where the unclaimed dragons were.

"That used to be Vermithor's nest but once he was claimed, he doesn't live here anymore. His mate Silverwing resides here as well. I do know that Vermithor will come here to spend some time here with her." Aerion told him.

"Has anyone ever tried to claim the Cannibal?" Aemond asks.

"Many have but they never made it out alive. Why? Do you want to claim the Cannibal?" Aerion asks.

"I want to try the other dragons before making our way to him." Aemond answered.

"Well Grey Ghost is notably a shy dragon, who avoids men and their work for years at a time. His avoidance of people, and his ability to hide in clouds and mist, gave him his name. Sheepstealer is not as aggressive towards humans unless provoked, but could be vicious and ill-tempered. Silverwing is considered relatively docile and friendly to strangers. The Cannibal is not well known except for him feasting on dead dragons, newborn dragons and dragon eggs." Aerion said to his younger brother.

They soon stop and Aerion looks at him.

"This is where I must leave you alone. If you are to claim a dragon then you must do it on your own." Aerion told him. "So I have to stay a bit away."

Aemond nods before making his way into the first cave. Aerion went a ways away so the dragons couldn't catch his scent but he'd be able to see his younger brother. He saw him come out of Silverwing's cave rejected and watched him move to the next cave. Which just happened to be Sheepstealer. 

He waited for a bit before seeing Aemond come out with black smoke on his face. He then goes to the next cave which was Grey Ghost's. He soon came back out with a rejected face. Aerion then realized he would have to go to the Cannibal's lair. 

Aerion walked over and lead Aemond to the Cannibal's cave which had a bunch of skeletons of dragons and some of humans. 

"You got this." Aerion told him.

Aerion went back to hiding as he watched his brother. He whistles for Nyxondra who soon appears next to him. He briefly explained what Aemond was doing and Nyxondra gave him a look which he ignored. But before another word could come out of Aerion's mouth wings are heard and they look to see the Cannibal with Aemond on his back.

 But before another word could come out of Aerion's mouth wings are heard and they look to see the Cannibal with Aemond on his back

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(Cannibal = Vislyx)

"He did it!" Aerion cheered, before mounting Nyxondra who went to join her brethren. 

Nyxondra greeted The Cannibal who greeted his sister back. The two dragons were born from separate clutches that Dreamfyre had laid. Sometimes when Nyxondra and Aerion weren't flying Nyxondra would go to Dragonstone which is where she met The Cannibal realizing they were siblings.

The two dragons are currently the same size as Vhagar meaning the three dragons are the largest dragons to live currently. Aerion looked over at his brother who had a large smile on his face.

"You did it!" Aerion yelled over to him.

"I did!" Aemond said with a huge smile.

The two flew their dragons for a while before deciding to head back to King's Landing. They rode in silence before Aerion looks over at his brother.

"What are you going to name him?" Aerion asks.

"What do you mean?" Aemond asks.

"Well you're not always going to call him The Cannibal are you?" Aerion asks.

"I thought about it. And I want to name him Vislyx." Aemond answered.

"That's a good name. What do you think, Nyxondra? A good name for your elder brother?" Aerion asks.

She made a noise of agreement and Aerion looked over at The Cannibal.

"What do you think of your new name?" Aerion asks the dragon who looked at him before also making a noise of agreement.

The two brothers chuckle at that.

"Remember, Aemond. Treat Vislyx with respect and treat him like an equal and not some toy. Be like me and Nyxondra where I value her opinions when sometimes I don't want to." Aerion said.

That's when Nyxondra suddenly dropped causing Aerion to scream as Aemond chuckled watching the two.

"We aren't going to be like them are we Vislyx?" Aemond asks.

Vislyx agreed. Nyxondra and Aerion soon came up and Aerion was glaring into nothing. Aemond started laughing.

"Not a word." Aerion hissed.

They made it to King's Landing and all the commoners noticed the two dragons but instantly recognized The Cannibal. They all rushed into their homes or for cover wanting to hide from the dragon. They land in the big clearing where Vhagar and Nyxondra shared but now would be the place where the three large dragons would stay.

The two brothers walked into the castle with smiles on their faces. A heavily pregnant Laena and Lyra were waiting for them. 

"Hello, my darling wife and beautiful stepmother." Aerion greeted kissing both their cheeks.

"Hello, husband. Aemond, I see you got a dragon. The Cannibal in fact. How did you manage that?" Laena asks curiously.

Aemond then went on to explain how he claimed the Cannibal before telling them he changed the dragon's name to Vislyx.

"That's wonderful. I'd love to meet him." Laena said.

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