Chapter 12

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Third P.O.V.

"Father, what's wrong with Maerion?" Valaella asks curiously staring at her youngest brother.

"He has a condition but it's curable. But we have to wait until he's twelve to start curing him." Aerion answered. "And I want each of you to promise me something." 

The children all look at their father ready to give him their full attention. 

"People will make fun of him because of this. So if you hear someone say something come straight to me or your grandsire and we'll handle them." Aerion said. "Got it?" 

"Yes, papa/father." The children chorused.

"Good now go find grandmother." Aerion said, and they rushed out of the room. 

"They are a handful bunch." Laena said softly. 

"Yeah they are." Aerion said softly.

"I love you, Aerion." Laena said before her hand went limp in her husband's hand.

"Laena?" Aerion asks alarmed.

He got no response.

"Laena!?" Aerion yells shaking his wife.

Someone must have heard it because the Maesters ran in and had to have guards drag Aerion away from her.

"Laena!" Aerion yells out.

Viserys rushed to his son and offered the comfort he could. Maester Karkoff walked out and Aerion looked up.

"I'm sorry my prince. But Princess Laena is dead." Maester Karkoff said.

Aerion then fell to his knees and screamed out in pain of losing his wife.

"I'm sorry, your grace." Maester Karkoff said sadly.

Two roars are heard roaring out feeling the emotions of both their riders.

*Time skip*

After Aerion calmed down, he went to go find his children and found them in Lyra's chambers playing with their aunt and uncles. They all looked up at their father and ran to him.

"What's wrong?" Lyra asks seeing the red puffy eyes.

"I need to speak with all of you." Aerion said sitting down before looking at his children. "Your mother passed." 

The elder ones started crying as the younger ones seek comfort with their father. Lyra and her children all had tears in their eyes. 

"We must go to Driftmark for her funeral." Aerion said.

"When do we leave?" Baela and Rhaena asks with tears in their eyes.

"In a few hours. The handmaidens are packing for you all." Aerion said sadly.

The children all hug their father tightly as Lyra and her children join the hug. But soon the happy moment was interrupted by Rhaenyra walking into the room. Laenor right behind her.

"What's happened?" Rhaenyra asks.

Aerion's children move away from her and hide behind the couch. They don't like their aunt after hearing about how she's trying to get with their father.

"Laena, has passed. I'm sorry for your loss, Laenor." Aerion said staring at the ground as he heard Laenor gasp.

"She was your wife and the mother of your children as well as my sister. We grief this loss together, brother." Laenor said sitting next to his brother-in-law.

Aerion nods. 

"How'd she die?" Rhaenyra asks.

"She died a few hours after our triplets were born. Her last words were, 'I love you, Aerion'." Aerion said tears still falling down his face.

"When do we leave for Driftmark?" Laenor asks.

"A few hours." Aerion said walking out of the room bumping shoulders with Rhaenyra.

Rhaenyra watched him leave and smirked knowing now her brother was available. She just has to get rid of Laenor and then her brother was free.

He walks into the nursery to see two dragon eggs have hatched but one remains unhatched. He moves to the cribs to see Maelon and Maerea clinging to their dragons. Maerion didn't have a dragon. He looks to the midwives who are watching over the children.

"Watch over Maelon and Maerea." Aerion said picking up Maerion.

They nodded as they watched the grieving prince walk out of the room with his youngest son. He had someone get a carriage ready and once it arrived he instructed them to go to the clearing where Vhagar and Nyxondra rested.

When he arrived the dragons lifted their heads and stared at Aerion with sad eyes.

"Vhagar, Nyxondra, jaelan ao naejot rhaenagon maerion.  Mēre hen triplets.  Zȳhon elder lēkia iksis maelon se zȳhon hāedar iksis maerea.  Pōja drōma emagon hatched yn zȳhon didn't." Aerion spoke softly.

*Vhagar, nyxondra, i want you meet Maerion. One of the triplets. His elder brother is Maelon and his little sister is Maerea. Their eggs have hatched but his didn't*

The two dragons move closer to get a good look at the boy. Vhagar stared the longest at Maerion who opened his eyes and looked up at Vhagar before smiling.

"Wow! nyke ūndegon ao iderēptan aōha mōrī kipagīros." Aerion said softly.

*Wow! I see you chose your last rider*

Vhagar made a sound of agreement.

"We leave in a few hours to Driftmark for Laena's funeral." Aerion said. "So go hunt or something until then." 

The two dragons shake themselves before sitting up and fly away to hunt. Aerion heads back to the carriage which drives back to the castle. When he arrived he went to the nursery and put Maerion back in his crib. 

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