Chapter 14

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Third P.O.V.

That's when Viserys collapsed and the guards, Lyra and Aerion rushed over. 

"Father!?" Aerion exclaimed softly as he held his father's hand.

Lyra was laying her husband's head on her lap. The Maester moved the guards over so they could take a look at the king.

"I'm sorry, your grace. But King Viserys has passed." Maester Karkoff said solemnly.

Aerion wanted to cry but he had to be strong. Lyra kissed the top of his head in a motherly way. 

"Take the children out of the room." Aerion commanded and a bunch of the Kingsguards lead the children out of the room.

"Send a letter to the Silent Sisters..." Lyra said softly.

Rhaenys quickly leaves the room to send a letter to the Silent Sisters in King's Landing. The Maester's set to work on wrapping King Viserys' body.

"We leave in the morning." Aerion said.

"I can help you..." Lyra told him softly.

"Thank you stepmother." Aerion said.

"Of course." Lyra said with a smile. "Are you going to remarry?"

"I don't want to. But I'm going to have to marry." Aerion replied.

"The people are going to demand one aren't they?" Corlys asks.

"Yes." Aerion answered.

"And we will find one." Lyra said softly. "One who will love you and your children." 

Aerion nods and says a silent prayer to his father.

*Big time skip*

Today was the day that Aerion would be crowned king.

"People of King's Landing... today is the saddest of days." Commander Westerling said. "Our beloved king... Viserys the Peaceful is dead." 

The crowd started murmuring to each other.

"But it is also the most joyous of days... for as his spirit left us... he whispered his final wish: that his firstborn son, Aerion Targaryen should succeed him." Commander Westerling said. 

The crowd murmured again before applauding. The doors opened and everyone turned to see Aerion. Guards parted the path of commoners so Aerion could get to the stage.

"It is your great fortune and privilege to be here to witness this: a new day for our city... a new day for our realm. A new king... to lead us." Commander Westerling said.

Aerion makes it to the stage. He kneels on the pillow that's laid out for him.

"May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need. May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." Septon Eustace says spraying water on Aerion's face. 

"The crown of the Conqueror, passed through generations." Commander Westerling announces.

Aerion looked at his family who were giving him bright smiles before he breathed deeply. 

"Let the Seven bear witness: Aerion Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Commander Westerling said, as he set the crown on Aerion's head. "All hail His Grace, Aerion, First of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First MenLord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm."

Aerion turns to his people with a nervous face but put on his brave face. 

"Aerion the King!" Was heard before the crowd joined in.

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