Chapter 6

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Third P.O.V.

The punishment for Rhaenyra was sending her to the Vale where she'd be set straight by Jeyne Arryn who was the cousin of their late mother, Aemma. She'd be there for three years and wouldn't be able to bring Syrax with her. 

Syrax liked Aerion more than she liked her rider, because Rhaenyra would just talk about Aerion every time they went on rides. It's been four months since Rhaenyra was sent to the Vale which means that Laena was eight months pregnant. Viserys and Lyra also got married and were having a child on the way

It was almost night as Laena was seated on the balcony of her shared room, staring off into space while rubbing her pregnant stomach with a smile. She hears the door open and turns to see her husband and a few handmaidens.

 She hears the door open and turns to see her husband and a few handmaidens

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(Her actual dress for the day)

"Hello, Little Dragon. How's the babe?" Aerion asks, kneeling down next to his wife as the handmaidens grab Laena's nightgown. 

"They are doing well. They are kicking and moving." Laena answered as Aerion kisses her cheek.

"That's good. Now it's time for sleep." Aerion told her gently.

"Alright." Laena said getting up with the help of Aerion who handed her to the handmaidens who helped her into a nightgown.

" Laena said getting up with the help of Aerion who handed her to the handmaidens who helped her into a nightgown

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When the handmaidens they bow, before leaving. Laena slowly walked over to the bed where her husband was already waiting for her. She lays down with the help of her husband who smiled at her.

They talk for a bit before deciding to get some sleep. Probably three hours of them sleeping Laena felt something wet go down her leg before a pain hit her. She instantly knew what that meant.

"Aerion!" Laena hisses softly to her husband who quickly sat up.

"What's wrong?" Aerion asks.

"I think the babe is coming." Laena told her husband who quickly got up putting a pair of pants on. "Where are you going?" 

"I'm telling the guards to get Maester Mellos, the midwives and my father. And have someone send a letter to your parents." Aerion said kissing her quickly and opened his door.

"Prince Aerion." A guard said. 

"Not now. But I have a job for both of you. One of you go get my father and the other go get Maester Mellos and the midwives. Laena is in labor." Aerion commanded causing the guards to quickly nod before running in different directions.

Not even five minutes later Maester Mellos and several midwives ran in. One of the midwives ushered Aerion out of the room, talking about 'No man should be in the delivery room'. When he walks out he sees his father and stepmother, Lyra who was six months pregnant with her first child. 

"Are you ready to become a father?" Lyra asks gently.

"Is it bad I'm nervous?" Aerion asks.

"I was nervous to be a father when Aemma was giving birth to you. I was scared that she might miscarry you, but when you were put in my arms I made the decision that I'd be the best father ever." Viserys answered. "I tried to be a good father to Rhaenyra but she made it difficult. And when Lyra gives birth to your sibling I'm going to be the best father to them like I was with you." 

"I hope so." Aerion said.

They made small talk and then eventually Aerion was pacing back and forth worried for Laena hearing her screaming. He then hears crying and he looks up as did his father and stepmother. The doors open and out walks Maester Mellos.

"Is Laena okay? What about the babe?" Aerion fired question and after question.

"She is fine and the boy is perfectly healthy. Congratulations Prince." Maester Mellos said, causing Aerion to smile.

"Maester Mellos! There's another babe!" One of the midwives yells out and Maester Mellos runs back into the room closing the door behind him.

"Twins..." Aerion mumbled.

"Congrats, Aerion." Lyra said with a smile.

"Twice the trouble." Viserys jokes.

Not even thirty minutes later Maester Mellos walks back out with a smile.

"Twins, Prince Aerion. A boy and a girl." Maester Mellos said with a smile. "Come in to see them." 

Aerion follows Maester Mellos into the room followed by his father and Lyra. He kneels down next to Laena who was holding their babies.

 He kneels down next to Laena who was holding their babies

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"They are beautiful." Aerion mumbled. "You did well." 

"What are their names?" Viserys asks.

"For the boy we decided on the name, Monterys. And for the girl we decided to name her, Saenya." Laena answered with a smile. "I named the boy and Aerion named the girl." 

"Perfect names!" Viserys said. "Congrats Laena and Aerion." 

"Thank you, Viserys." Laena said with a tired smile.

"Let's let the new parents get some sleep." Lyra suggested.

"I want their eggs to be in their cradle tomorrow. And have their cradles next to us so we can be close to them." Laena said.

"Of course, Lady Laena." Maester Mellos agrees.

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