Chapter 7

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Third P.O.V.

It's been a month since Monterys and Saenya were born. Viserys wanted to wait until Laena was completely healed before presenting the twins to the people and the lords. Aerion and Laena were dressing the children and were looking at the dragons who laid in the cradles of their future riders.

The Dragonkeepers did try to come in and take the dragons to the Dragon Pit but they screeched not wanting to be away from their future riders. So when the babies get a bit older and start walking and talking the dragons would be taken to the Dragon Pit.

"Are you ready my love?" Aerion asks.

"I'm ready." Laena said with a smile as she held Saenya.

Monterys was in his father's arm. So with a nod Aerion leads the way to the throne room. As they walked past people some tried to look at the babes but they were hidden by the blankets. They make it to the throne room and guards open the doors. All the lords and their families were in the throne room wanting to look at the new Targaryen children. 

"Prince Aerion Targaryen of House Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone, Heir to the Iron Throne, Rider of Nyxondra the Red-Death. And his lady wife, Laena Velaryon, the Future Queen Consort." Commander Westerling announces and everyone turns.

Everyone bows as the two pass. Laena looks at her husband with a smile who smiled back. They made it to where Viserys was seated just near the bottom of the steps. They turn towards Viserys to give him a nod. Lyra smiles happily rubbing her stomach.

"Just barely a moon ago Lady Laena had given birth to twins. And now that she's rested up and feeling better, everyone in the kingdom deserves to know the names of the twins and what they look like." Viserys announces.

He nods towards his son. Aerion looks over everyone before removing the blanket as a handmaiden grabs it.

"My firstborn son and Laena named him Monterys." Aerion says before walking towards the crowd to show off his son.

Cheers and claps were politely heard before he moved back towards his wife. Laena smiles down at her daughter before also removing the blanket to which the same handmaiden takes it.

"Our firstborn daughter and Aerion named her Saenya." Laena spoke with a huge smile and steps forward as the crowd came closer to get a good look at her. 

Cheers and claps were politely heard before she moved back towards her husband.

*Skip a few months*

Laena was with Lyra, Alicent and the twins as Aerion was in a council meeting. The females were talking about different things.

"Laena, how are the twins?" Alicent asks kindly.

"They are wonderful. I thought with twins they'd be twice as loud but they are quiet for some twins. Is that normal?" Laena asks.

"It's very rare for that to happen. I guess the gods love you, Laena." Lyra said with a smile rubbing her nine months pregnant stomach.

Lyra was due to give birth any day now and she was very excited to have her first child. 

"What about you Alicent? Do you have your eyes on someone?" Lyra asks with a smile looking at the teen girl who was Rhaenyra's former friend.

"I do. But I don't think he even notices me." Alicent says with a sad smile.

"Well who is it?" Laena asks curiously.

"Tyland Lannister." Alicent answered.

"Are you serious?" Laena asks.

Alicent nods still staring at the ground.

"Alicent, I've seen him staring at you. It's obvious he notices you." Laena said.

"Are you sure?" Alicent asks.

"Of course. Plus Aerion has told me he's been talking to Viserys trying to see if he can betrothed you and him." Laena answered.

"Really?" Alicent asks.

"Of course. But of course you're father will not be happy about it when he hears that." Laena answered.

"True, but I don't care. I want to find someone to spend the rest of my life with where I can remain content and not be someones birthing persona." Alicent said with a smile.

Lyra who was watching the two speak felt something wet go down her leg. She looks to see her water broke.

"Um... My water broke." Lyra said causing the two quickly end their conversation and look at the queen.

"Oh Seven Hells. Alicent run straight to the council room and inform Viserys." Laena instructed.

Alicent immediately ran out of the room as some handmaidens walked in at the right time. 

"You two take my children to their cradles. And you two help the queen change into a nightgown because she's about to have her child." Laena demanded causing the handmaidens to immediately get to work.

Alicent rushes down tons of stairs and ran straight to the council room which was being guarded by the Cargyll twins.

"Lady Alicent, are you alright?" Arryk asks.

"The Queen is in labor and I must tell the king as well as the maester." Alicent said out of breath.

"Of course." Erryk said before he opens the door as he and twin escort Alicent in.

The men all look up to see the twin guards and Alicent.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you my Lords and Your Grace. But Queen Lyra is in labor. Lady Laena sent me to come get the King and Maester Mellos. She's currently helping Queen Lyra get ready." Alicent said.

"The meeting will be held at a later date." Viserys said immediately as he and Maester Mellos quickly ran out of the room.

Aerion quickly follows and the rest of the men leave the room. Alicent quickly heads to the garden and will be filled in by Laena later.

Laena was in the room with Lyra holding her hand before the midwives and Maester Mellos ran in.

"Want me to stay?" Laena asks Lyra.

"No, it's fine. I've got it from here. Thank you, Laena." Lyra said with a pained smile.

"Alright, good luck, Lyra. Can't wait to meet my new brother-in-law." Laena said before she leaves the room.

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