Chapter 8

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Third P.O.V.

Several hours have gone by and soon Lyra had given birth to a baby boy to which she named Aegon. The whole of the royal family dotted over him. The twins looked at their uncle with smiles on their faces.

*Skip three years (Aegon, Monterys and Saenya are 3 yrs old)*

Viserys didn't want the three children to have separate birthdays so he decided it'd be best that the three have a shared birthday and when they get older they'd have separate birthdays. Monterys was in his mother's arm playing with her hair. Saenya was in her father's arms staring at all the decorations and Aegon was in his mother's arms even though she was heavily pregnant with her next child.

 Saenya was in her father's arms staring at all the decorations and Aegon was in his mother's arms even though she was heavily pregnant with her next child

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Both Laena and Lyra are pregnant with their next child. Lyra was hoping for a girl as Viserys was hoping for a boy. Laena was hoping for a boy as Aerion was hoping for a girl. And Rhaenyra has come back home. Her glaring was put to a minimum and only did it when no one was around. Aerion caught her several times and told her if she continued to do it he'd send her back to the Vale.

So now they were in the carriage which was big enough to fit the entire royal family. They hit a bump and both the queen and future queen consort had made a face.

"Should you be traveling in such condition?" Rhaenyra asks not even really caring about their actual condition.

"The Maester told us being out in nature will do us some good." Lyra answered kindly.

"I want to say he's wrong but of course the Maester is always right." Laena spoke softly.

"We can find a new Maester if you want, Love." Aerion told his wife before looking at his stepmother.

"Yes, let us find a new Maester. Sorry Viserys." Lyra says kindly.

"Maester Mellos, is an amazing Maester." Viserys says.

"What if we get one from the Free Cities?" Laena asks. "They might have remedies that we don't have here." 

"I'll think about it." Viserys spoke.

"We can bring it up with the council when we get back. It's so we have better insight on medicines." Aerion said.

Viserys nods thinking about what his sons said. He had wine in his hands and tried to give it to Aegon but Lyra hit his hand away from her son. He looks at Monterys about to give him the wine.

"Don't even think about giving my son wine, father." Aerion spoke not even looking at his father.

"I wasn't." Viserys says.

"I saw you try to give it to Aegon so don't even think about giving it to my son. If you do that then they will want more and more before they become drunken men who sleep with any woman." Aerion said with his eyes closed.

"How-" Viserys starts but his son points to his ears and then his eyes.

"I listen and hear things around. Plus I've got little spies everywhere." Aerion answered now looking at his father.

"I think you've scared your own father, Love." Laena says. 

"I might have but at this point with my father you never know." Aerion told his wife.

Soon the carriage stopped and they heard cheers. The door open and Viserys steps out with Lyra holding Aegon after him. Laena and Aerion right after her with the twins in their arms. And finally Rhaenyra.

"All hail Prince Aegon, Prince Monterys and Princess Saenya!" Was repeated from the guests that came to the celebration. 

They head to the tent where Laena and Lyra sat with the other women gossiping as the children sat on some blankets and pillows playing with a few toys they brought. Aerion was saying hi to guests and looking over at his wife when he got the chance.

When Aerion was finished saying guests he heads straight to the women and Larys Strong. He stood nearby quietly for about a few minutes when Saenya noticed her father.

"Daddy!" Saenya yells and gets up and ran straight to her father who picked her up.

The women and Larys Strong looked in the prince's direction.

"Hey, baby girl. How are you?" Aerion asks his daughter with a smile. "Are you enjoying the celebrations?" 

Saenya nods happily before whispering in her father's ear. "I don't like the strange man."

"Me either." Aerion whispered to his daughter, before bringing his daughter back to the women. "I hope you ladies are doing okay. Lord Strong." 

"We are doing fine, Prince Aerion. Thank you." Ceira Lannister says with a kind smile.

"Well if you need anything else just let me know." Aerion says before walking to his father with Saenya still in his arms. 

Viserys smiles at his son and granddaughter came over but Aerion could tell he was drunk already.

"The hunt hasn't even started and you are already drunk." Aerion spoke to his father.

"When there is free wine drink it when you can." Viserys told him.

Aerion rolled his eyes with a smile and looked at Saenya who was looking between her father and grandsire. 

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