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A/N: be sure to read the caption before reading this!! Thanks for reading and have a great day!


It was all over the news. Sal Fisher, 22 year old had committed mass murder in Nockfell. Apparently he had killed everyone in the Addison's apartments, including his Dad Henry Fisher and Stepmother Lisa Johnson. Multiple applicants have asked to take legal actions against Sal, and to their luck he was quickly brought into court. Even though Sal could have been falsely accused for murder, there was camera evidence, and a lot of people have always found Sal very creepy because of his mask, well prosthetic. Nobody could help Sal besides one person, Ashley Campbell. Sal's life depended on her. She is going to be the only person to testify against Sal. I knew her as Sal's friend back from when we were all in high school. She was so kind to everyone even when she didn't know them at all. It would be a lie if i said i didn't envy her, i've always wanted to be like her, kind to Sal. My father told me to not trust people, ever. But how would i meet new people then? Simple, i wouldn't. Any stranger would mean a different look on things, and according to my farther they will have a bad influence on me. I knew going against my dad would be my death but since i wanted to be close to Sal i searched interactions with him. My father, Kenneth Phelps, would beat me if i didn't say the right things. The right things were all the bad stuff i didn't want to say. I didn't want to hurt Sal and his friends, i admired them. When i got home after school he would ask what i had said to Sal and his friends. I would tell him the things i said, mostly they were "faggots" or "freaks". Sadly that would never satisfy him to the fullest. He would hurt me if i waited too long to answer or didn't say something new. For example if i said freak two days in a row he would get mad and say i was lying to him, even when i really wasn't. Luckily it didn't happen that often.

I decided to get my mind away from my dad by finding out where Sal would be during his trial. I looked through the trash and found the news paper for today. Kenneth would throw away anything that wasn't to his amuse, which meant that anytime something in the newspaper was not something he had taught me it would end up in the thrash can, away from me. When i was younger i wouldn't dare to grab the newspapers he had hidden away but Kenneth has been absent lately, he told me that he would be at work. His work was being a Christian priest which meant i was forced since birth to attend church. I know that's not true though, Kenneth wasn't a priest, he worshipped Satan. We had a church of our own, though i really didn't like my last name to be connected to something i've grown to hate and fear. Kenneth has also informed me that i would be a more important member of the church, i was afraid because i really had no idea what he meant by that. He told me i needed to meet him on Wednesday, it was Monday, Infront of 'our' church. I took a good look at the news paper and saw that Sal's trial would be held in the courtroom not so far from here. I knew going to see the trial would mean my end but i couldn't sit here while Sal was there. In all of my high school years Sal was the only reason, besides Kenneth, that i would go to school. If it wasn't up to him i would've ended my life long ago but Sal gave me hope when i needed it. He was kind of the light of my life, the only light in my dark misery. Any person would follow that light. Even if the darkness was pulling you back, i would not let it stop me from seeing my light. I would go see Sal's first day of trial which was tomorrow. To my knowledge he, Ashley and his former therapist would say their sayings about the situation. I knew Ashley would try her best to defend Sal in every way she could, even if it meant risking her own life, i'm so jealous of her, in a good way. She could do all the things i couldn't but i wanted that to change and maybe going to see Sal's trail is a good start.

I threw the newspaper back into the trash can. I was hoping that i would have the house to myself for another but that luck quickly ran out when i heard the front door being opened. I knew it was Kenneth, not because he was the only other person that lived here but because he would open the door very aggressively. It almost sounded like he hated going home which is weird to me. He has everything he could ever want in a simple mans life, but i guess Kenneth wasn't a simple man. The sound of the front door being slammed shut startled me. Normally it was a decently loud sound but now it was louder, and scarier. I who was still standing in the kitchen waited for Kenneth to enter the room. I could hear him taking his shoes off. After a short while the door to the kitchen and living room flew open and Kenneth entered. He looked.. drunk? That wasn't right, our religion didn't allow going out drinking for fun, besides it was around 3 o'clock right now. "Dad? Are you okay?" I asked. He turned his head towards me. I immediately regretted asking him. "Travis! Son! What do you think you're doing?!". His tone, it was the furthest from welcoming. I didn't say anything in response to him. I could tell he didn't like that. His eye twitched and he forcefully closed the door behind him. I took a step back. Kenneth walked towards me and grabbed me by the throat lifting me up. I was now hanging at least 20 centimetres from the ground. "Fucking hell! How many times do i need to tell you to not go around telling people about what i do to you!? Do you want to die huh? My own son is going against me for the billionth fucking time! And the worst part is, he's a little faggot who knows he can't be in love with a man. Aren't i right? Mh?". I was silent, i couldn't say anything anyway, Kenneth's grip on my throat was strong, stronger than other times. "If i catch you going around asking for help one more time I'll kill you, got that son?!". I just nodded and he put me down. Once his hand left my throat i gasped for air. I was sweating and coughing. Before i could gain back my balance from the fall, Kenneth punched me, he hit me in my face and i lost my balance. My head hit the counter hard causing me to fall on my back. Kenneth left after that. He left the house completely. I stood back up and checked up on my head. To my surprise it wasn't bleeding, it did hurt but i don't think it would take long to heal so i just left it as it was. I started to wonder why Kenneth even came home, was it just to beat me? Was he even drunk? I couldn't tell, whenever he was angry he was always the same, drunk or not, it didn't affect the aggression he would use on me.

It was getting late and after i took a shower i figured it might be good to do my studies and then head to bed. Wait i don't know when Sal's trial starts. I headed back downstair and opened the trash can. As disgusting as it may be i needed to know the time. I took the newspaper out and looked for a time. "Sal Fisher, first period of his trial starts at 12:00 pm July 17th". Great i could be there without having to sneak out of the house. When i was in high school, sneaking out of the house was impractical. Kenneth would always be home and awake at night. It would be a suicide mission to try to sneak out. He was like and eagle, he heard every sound and had eyes on his back. But since the church needs him i am home alone more often. It was a nice change, i was able to relax more. I put the newspaper back in the trash can and made sure it looked like it hadn't been touched. I didn't know if Kenneth checked the thrash can to see if i would read the newspaper he had thrown away, but better to be safe than sorry right? I washed my hands in the sink and then left the kitchen. My bedroom was the only room upstairs the rest was downstairs. Even though there were enough free rooms that could've been used as a bathroom or bedroom, Kenneth said it would increase the possibility for people to break in. He says that if a robber goes into the house and sees he in bathroom when its the first floor, he would think that there isn't anything of value in the house. To be honest i have always know it wasn't true, but of course i didn't confront him about it. I entered my bedroom and sat at my desk. My bedroom was boring, grey walls, bed, desk and wardrobe. I took the bible out of one of the drawers in my desk. It was an old heavy bible. Kenneth had given it to me when i graduated high school. Besides food and a home, it was the only gift he has ever given me. I remember being speechless when i received it and him saying that he was proud of me. I think i cried that time and he got mad at me for it. I laid the bible on my desk and opened it. It wasn't anything special. Just the average bible. The only thing that threw me of when i received it, was the cross being upside down. I had seen other bibles who had the cross right, but when i asked Kenneth why it was upside down he said it needed to be that way. I didn't question it further.

Most of my night would contain reading and studying the bible Kenneth had given me. He didn't allow me to read any other books, besides School books of course. The next morning he would ask me questions about the chapter or story i read the night before. If i got a question wrong or it took too long for me to answer, i would get hit or send to the praying room, where i was forced to pray god for his forgiveness. So i always made sure to read the chapter fully through and not miss out on small things. I knew that Kenneth never read the bible himself. It was like he didn't care about it at all. But of course he did, he went to our church everyday and stayed there until midnight. I tend to avoid him whenever he would get home, mostly by pretending i was asleep. somehow he never wanted to wake me up, unless i needed to go to church with him. I went to church with him every Saturday, it wasn't bad at all. He wouldn't hit me outside of the house so getting out with him was the only time i was on the same level as him. He didn't have the same amount of control he would normally have on me then.

I read the next chapter of my bible. I didn't quite understand where it was about. It included something about a sacrifice and a great ruler. Also something about the Plague of Shadows which i understand any bit. I put the bible back in the drawer where i would always store it. I got up from my desk and walked to my wardrobe. It was just a normal one, wooden wardrobe. I opened it and took out a set of pyjama's. They were pastel yellow colours with the text "i'm not a morning person" on it. I'm pretty sure Kenneth bought it from a second hand store. I put the pyjama's on and left for the bathroom. Once i entered it i turned on the lights and prepared my toothbrush. I had a blue toothbrush, the colour would remind me of Sal which i kind of liked. After brushing my teeth i left the bathroom and headed back into my bedroom. I made sure to close the door before going to bed in case Kenneth made something up again and wanted to take his anger out on me. I turned the light off and laid down in bed. My bed was pretty warm and it didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep.

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