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Dark. Dark yeah that's what it was. Not cold this time, it was nice. Like a welcoming warm feeling. Its that feeling that you get when your mother hugs you. When you get home or when you see your favourite person again. The darkness disturbed the warm feeling. It was pulling it away but i didn't want that.

"S-al" was heard. It was that voice again.

Without thinking i responded "yes?". Silence.
The voice didn't respond. "Hello?" I asked again.

"Y-ou-r se-co-nd c-han-ce. Yo-u're f-re-e n-ow." The voice disappeared and so did the darkness.

Now all was left was me and the welcoming warmth. It was nice but it made me wonder where  it came from. Before i could continue that thought another voice spoke, which i recognized immediatly, Travis.

"Wake up Sally" i opened my eyes and i saw Travis's head he was wearing a wide smile which was nice to see.

His hair was messy and the normal purple eye had faded a bit.

"Morning Trav." He put his palm on my face lightly rubbing his thumb on my cheek.

I smiled at the action. But our lovely moment was quickly interrupted by a loud yell.


"That's Travis's father, don't mind him!" I screamed completely forgetting that Neil didn't know i was here, or at the least alive.

Rapid footsteps were heard followed by my door being slammed open.

"SAL?" geez, did he have his coffee yet? Neil practically slapped his hand onto his mouth, eyes wide.

"Surprise?" Travis said shrugging awkwardly.

Neil started crying. Not like sad but a relieved kind of way. He then ran towards me and Travis, almost tripping over.

"HOW?" He put his hand on both of my cheeks making me look at him with open eyes.

"Its a long story, I'll tell you guys later." I said

Neil smiled and then pulled me into a hug. Which made me tear up a bit.

After a long minute Neil broke the hug. "Did you see him?" He asked.

I shook my head "i haven't spoken to Todd since i got arrested, i'm sorry."

Neil gave me a smile indicating that its okay. Luckily the moment was broken by Travis speaking.

"I know where he is." Neil turned around faster then i imagined "where?!" He grabbed Travis's hand.

"In 'my' church. He's held captive." Travis smiled awkwardly. Neil's eyes widened.

"We go now." I said, affirming. "We can still get him." Ashley had found her way in the room and nodded, so did Neil and Travis.

"We don't have a cloak for you" Ashley said looking at me. "You're have to stay behind.

"No need. I can do this." I focussed my mind and i made my body glitch just like in the dark place. "I can go through things as well.

I ignored all the shocked faces i was receiving. I grabbed a book and asked Travis to throw it at me. He took it and asked "are you sure? I don't want to hurt you."

I nodded and he threw the book, it went straight through me hitting the wall. "Wow" the all said collectively. "When did you learn that?" Neil asked and i shrugged.

"I guess i didn't really learn it, i just know i can do it, you know" i gave everyone an awkward smile and the all nodded, wanting to leave the subject for now.

A Second Chance? (Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps)Where stories live. Discover now