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A/N: i hope this all makes sense, anyways enjoy the chapter.

Today is the day. They are going to decide what my punishment is going go be. I was sitting a room back at the courtroom, soon they would ask me to go to the room itself, i was scared, but not as scared as i thought i would be. Ashley has tried everything she would to make my story believable, but it was a lost case. I can't blame them, who would believe it? The cult has all been covered by the government. Mr.Packerton and her evil doings? All a lie according to the judge. Even after it was confirmed that there was an underground dungeon under the apartment's and Phelps ministry, nothing helped my cause. Dr.Enon said that he's sorry for everything, who could blame him honestly, he only wanted to help. Honestly i was the one making him seem bad. I haven't hear from Travis since i met up with him. I wonder if he is okay, hopefully he'll be at trial today. Ever since i spoke with Travis again, i feel like we're connected. I don't know what the feeling means, and i certainly don't know what to do with the feeling. "Sal, you're required in the courtroom. C'mon." Said the Judge. I looked up and saw him smiling. His smile made me feel weird. It was a 'everything will be fine' type smile, but the decision wasn't up to him, at least not in the way i wanted it to be. "Okay your honour." I walked up to the podium next to the judge, almost falling due to me being handcuffed. When i looked in the courtroom i was surprised to not see Ashley sitting down. I looked to the next row, Neil was smiling at me, giving me a thumps up, i'm happy to see he's still trying after everything, especially since Todd is still in the hospital. Next to Neil was, Travis! His hair grew more, it was now as long as mine, not blue though, but a nice yellow/blond colour. He was wearing a cloak? I think that's what you would call it. It had a hood which was connected to the cloak with a simple button. The button had an upside down triangle on it. It gave me a chill down my spine. Maple wasn't in the room as well. I wondered where they were, i hope everything is okay. "Your honour?" One of the prosecutor's asked. "Yes?" The judge responded. "May we start?". The judge nodded "today is the last meeting of Sal fisher's trial. Sal, you may explain the last part of your defending story." Welp, the fuck was there to tell anyway. I've given up on this case, i do not have a chance anymore. The defender's gave up after i kept telling the truth, but the truth is "i had no choice" and that became unbelievable after a while. Nonetheless i spoke "okay, this may be the least believable part yet but. I hope it help me."


I was sweating. My head was getting dizzy the more Sal talked. "So when Larry and I went back every-.............Kenneth Phelps did this.........police was called..........cult made the apartment's insa-....." Suddenly one of the prosecutor's spoke "That's just made up! Are u not sane?! A demon? The eternal abyss?? What are you even talking about!". Sal looked frightened by her sudden act. Honestly all i wanted to do in that moment was cut her head off, quick and easy. I wouldn't, of course. "Miss, i swear i'm telling the truth. Please don't freak out like this." Sal's voice was calm, he was trying to make the situation more safe for him. "No! If this is all true then why isn't it in the news or something?!". "The police covered everything. As i've said before, Nockfell's police is in on this." The woman spoke again, louder this time. "NO, WHERE IS THIS LARRY ANYWAY? DID HE GET KILLED BY YOU ASWELL?". Sal froze. i couldn't take this anymore. As much as i hated Larry through high school, he was Sal's best friend and i know Sal doesn't like talking about his death. "You're going to far miss!" I said. She looked over to me. "You stay out of this, who are you anyway?" She scoffed. Sal took over the conversation. "That's my friend your talking to. He did no wrong, in fact he's one of the only people i have left, since Larry ended his own life! Little did you know Travis, the boy you scoffed at was forced to be a part of the cult by his father. He bullied me, yet now he's here to support me!" Sal was angry. Not at me this time, but at the woman. But i could tell he was also mad at himself. It broke my heart. "ORDER!"  The judge said, slamming his hammer on the table in front of him. The room fell silent "this isn't going anywhere so i'm just going to wrap it up. Prosecutor's u may now decide Sal fisher's punishment!". It was silent again. There was an intense mood hanging in the room. "Yes, your honour." The prosecutor's discussed for a second. Everyone was anticipating with peeling eyes. Once the woman spoke again, everyone listened and didn't say a word. "We have reached a verdict" she said. "In the case of Sal Fisher vs the county of Nockfell, what say you?" The judge asked. "The members of this jury have concluded that Sal Fisher is guilty for committing mass murder." The room was still silent. "I agree with the jury on the verdict, and so for the severe crime that was committed i hereby sentence Sal Fisher to receive capital punishment."

This is a joke right. No no no! This can not happen. "No! U can't do that! Why won't u believe Sal!?" I yelled standing up from my seat. "ORDER!" The judge yelled again. Hitting his hammer on the table once more. "Sal isn't a bad person, please! Give him another chance! I can help him explain! I'll show you the ch!-" I was interrupted by the judge "Mr.Phelps, if you are not going to be quiet, i will ask you to leave the room!" He said. My hope sank deep into my shoes. What no, i wasn't going to let this happen. Sal my light. No, i wasn't going to let my light be put out by some bitches who don't know anything! "I'm sorry your honour. But you're out of your mind! You don't care about his life at all. You have no idea what Sal has been through!" I kept going until i felt someone grabbing my hands and pulling me out the room. I could see Sal wanting to speak against the judge, but he also didn't want to get me in trouble. I struggled against the guard, but it didn't matter. I wasn't strong enough. "Goodbye Mr.Phelps. we'll let you know when Sal has died." And with that i was thrown out of the room. Once again, i was a nothing but useless and worthless for Sal.


I knew this would happen. I knew it when Terrence spoke to me, i knew it when i sliced soda's neck, and i definitely knew it when the police took me away. "This way, Sal" one of the cops grabbed me by the shoulder. I didn't struggle, it would only hold me back. As so i walked with two cops to my very own death. "Sorry, but its your fault. And u did have a choice." That's what the judge said to me before i left. He doesn't understand. I wish Larry was here, i wish Ashley was here, i wish Todd was here, i wish Travis was here. I feel bad because all he was trying to do was defend me. The cops dragged me to a room, it was dark with one more door in case there is a fire. Before the door closed i could see Travis walking outside through the window, he was crying wiping his tears away with his cloak. People on the street gave him weird looks. Then suddenly a motorcycle passed by Travis. Somehow i recognized it. "Move it!" The cop pulled me into the room. I stumble, almost falling over. I could hear someone talking in the background "sorry ma'am but they're strapping him in now." Then the sound was followed by running. "Sit" the cop said. There was a chair in the room, a helmet was next to it, on the ground. The cops put me on the chair. Once i sat down they strapped me in, i couldn't leave the chair anymore, there were metal straps keeping me from moving. At last they put my helmet on, before it covered my head i could hear banging on the door to outside. "No! Don't!" It was a girl, no not a girl. It was Ashley. "Please! Do not do it!" I could tell one of the cops was near the lever. "NO, PLEASE I HAVE EVIDINCE!" Ashley's voice gave me chills, please just shut up i don't want to hear her voice yelling to save me. Before i knew it a shock was send through my body and the yelling instantly faded.


As i'm walking home, eyes hurting from crying, people can't help but give me dirty looks. If wasn't wearing this cloak they would walk up to me and ask if i needed help. I couldn't process it in my mind. Sal was gone, he was actually gone. Though i didn't speak with him for about 5 years, my attachment for him grew after i saw him again. Its all my fault isn't it? If i wasn't involved with the cult, if i wasn't a fag who beaten by his father, if i wasn't in the courtroom, if i wasn't in love with him everything would be okay. Sal would be okay. As i wiped away the tears with the sleeve of my cloak i arrived home. I took my key out of one of my pockets and unlocked the door. There was a strange ambience hanging in the house, i could feel it. I took the cloak and my shoes off. There was a faint light coming through the door to the living room, once i opened it i was met with multiple cloaked men standing in a circle in the middle of the room. Candles were lit around the room and there was a pentagram drawn with red paint on the floor. The men grabbed me and placed me in the middle of the pentagram. I was too weak to struggle and before i knew it i lost consciousness.

A Second Chance? (Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps)Where stories live. Discover now