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A/N: Hehehhehe enjoy


Something was in the room. I could tell. The was someone in the room with me, but when i turned the nightlight on from Sal's nightstand, nobody was there. I got up with a groan and left Sal's room. To my surprise the TV was on, but no one was watching. Before it could process in my mind the front doorbell rang. I walked over and took a look though the hole in the door. Nothing. Weird, maybe it were some kids pulling some harmless fun. Everything gave me a weird feeling. When i turned back around i saw someone i wouldn't ever think of seeing again. I saw Kenneth. Why was he here?! I screamed at his sight. In fear i fell. I tried to catch myself but it only made me stumble more. Even though i didn't want to look at Kenneth in any way, his look had such a grip on me. Before i could say something Kenneth spoke "Son! You'll pay for your sins!!" He yelled causing my stress to grow higher then it already was. He was hovering over me, making sure i felt weak, which it definitely did. He picked me up by my neck, practically chocking me while also pushing me against the front door. His look, oh his look, it was so deadly. If looks could kill, Thats what it would look like. I started to lose breath. "FAGGOT SON, ABSENT WIFE AND A UNFINISHED PLAN! I DESERVE TO LIFE BETTER THAN YOU YET STILL GOD CHOSE YOU OVER ME, ISN'T THAT RIGHT HUH SON!" He gave me an angrier look then before but i couldn't focus on that. "OR SHOULD I SAY, MY ONLY HOPE. AH YES MY ONLY HOPE ABANDONED ME RIGHT THERE, WHEN THEY TOOK ME AWAY FOR 'CHILD ABUSE!" My head started to feel dizzy the more he yelled. "I WAS TEACHING YOU DISCIPLINE, IT WASN'T ABUSE. YOU SHOULD'VE JUST BEEN A BETTER SON!" After that my eyes closed.


I wasn't in the black place anymore, actually i was in a very familiar place. I was home. Well, Todd and Neil's home.  I was in my bedroom, i saw Gizmo laying on my bed, i guess he's waiting on me to come back. Which i never will. "I'm so sorry Gizmo, Ashley will take good care of you, i promise." I said. To my surprise Gizmo actually woke up when i was done speaking. Could he hear me? That question got answered very quickly when Gizmo jumped onto me, luckily i caught him in time. "Hey buddy, its okay" i held him very tightly. After giving Gizmo some kisses and pets i put him back down on the bed. "Is this a dream?" I thought to myself. I pinched my arm and it hurt. This is what it felt like when i was, alive. I looked in a mirror in my room and i saw myself. Not a glitching body, no just me. Me, Sal Fisher. I couldn't think straight anymore. My thought were quickly interrupted when i heard a scream coming from out my room. It sounded like a boy? No, young man. It scared me for a second until i began hearing yelling. That wasn't the young man, it sounded like an actual adult man. Somehow i recognized the voice. Was that? No, it couldn't be. I peeked my head through my door and looked over at the kitchen. There he was, Kenneth Phelps. How was he here? He was chocking someone, but i couldn't see who. I could hear struggling coming from the person, they needed help. Without thinking i ran to the kitchen, took a knife that was sharp enough from the knife holders that Neil recently bought and stabbed Kenneth in the back. He flinched and his yelling stopped. He then proceeded to drop the person he was chocking and i could finally get a good look at who it was. It was Travis.

Yet again i killed someone, and in this case. I did have a choice. But i can't sit here and say it was a bad choice. Travis's head hit the floor and i immediately pushed Kenneth lifeless body away to help him. "Travis, no!" I yelled. No, this can't happen to him. I felt his pulse and to my luck, his heart was still pumping. After that i checked to see if he was still breathing, he was. Thank god. "Travis wake up, please." I've started to silently sob seeing Travis's alive yet unconscious body. I slapped his face multiple time to try and wake him up but nothing worked. I started to panic. What if he was actually going to die here? Would that be my fault? Would it be because i wasn't fast enough? That i didn't kill Kenneth soon enough? "Travis please, you can't die here, please!" I yelled. My voice started to fade due to crying and yelling. I heard a door open behind me, oh no. Please don't tell me its a cult member... "SAL? IS THAT YOU!?" A female voice screamed. Not some female voice, it was Ashley.

A Second Chance? (Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps)Where stories live. Discover now