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A day passed since i went to Sal's trial. I was sitting down at the kitchen table just drowning in my own thoughts. Kenneth was in the living room. I could sense his eyes on me, his oh so disgusting eyes. My thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock at the door. "Fag! You go get that!" Kenneth yelled. I stood up from my chair, entered the hallway and walked to the front door. Once i opened the door i was met with a bunch of police officers. "Greeting young man, are you Travis Phelps?". I nodded and the cop spoke again. "Is your father, Kenneth Phelps home?". I should've guessed this would happen eventually. Though i knew Kenneth would kill me, the police getting involved made me feel strong, like i was better than him. "Yes, he is in the living room, this way." I let the cops in and guided them into the living room. Kenneth was reading something. He looked scared when he saw 5 armed police men enter the room. "Sir, we need to ask you some questions." One of the cops asked. Kenneth was shocked and asked "something wrong, officer?". The cops chuckled "yes a lot actually". Kenneth's face turned pale. 2 of the 5 cops sat down Infront of Kenneth. "Now, you will answer the questions we ask you. Your son, Travis, will support or deny your answers with evidence, do you understand?". A small grin formed on my face, but i quickly hid it in case Kenneth would look at me. "I guess so" Kenneth said. "Great, so Kenneth Phelps, you own a church but you don't do the religion the right way. So I've heard." Kenneth was quick to respond. "You mean my son? Ah he likes to joke around, he made it all up. Of course i do everything a Christian would do." The police man raised and eyebrow. "Travis, is it correct that you lied about your fathers religion?" I shook my head. "No, i told you the truth. Kenneth is a satanist." The policeman turned back to Kenneth. "don't trust my son, he's an idiot!". The policeman's tone changed. "Listen, your son won't lie to us, now did you abuse him?". I didn't think he would ask it like that but i rolled with it. A drop of sweat rolled down Kenneth's face. "No, of course not sir". "Really? Because he has bruises all of his body." In an instant i lifted my shirt to show the room the marks that Kenneth had left on me. "These look like bruises to me, Kenneth Phelps..". Kenneth gulped. "Sir, put your hands up. You're under arrest for child abuse and satanic rituals." One of the police men stepped up behind Kenneth, forcing him to stand up. Quickly Kenneth was in handcuffs and dragged outside, where he was put in one of the two police cars. "No! You're wrong! Travis, son! Go to the church for me!" Those were his last words before he was taken away by the police. The church? No, I'm not going there unless its really important, which it right now really wasn't.


I was sitting on a couch, in my usual therapy room. My therapist, Dr.Enon, wasn't here yet. The ticking of the clock filled the silent room. There was a television in the room, it was broadcasting the latest new. Since i was bored to death i decided to take a look. The reporter spoke "today Nockfell's beloved Priest had been arrested for Satanic behaviour and child abuse. His son Travis Phelps, who had been abused, is now under care by the bishops of Nockfell's church.... now back to Jerry for the weather." The tv turned off and i turned to see my therapist enter the room. "Seems like everything ended up well for your friend." He gave me small smile before sitting down Infront of me. "I guess so..." i said. His tone changed "something wrong Sal?" He asked. "Is there any way i can contact him? Travis, i want to talk to him." Dr.Enon was silent for a moment. "I'll make a call so he can visit you at jail." It was good enough for me, i would be able to see and speak with him again. When i saw him at the courtroom i was surprised, but i could tell he wanted to be here. Something about his face watching me gave me that thought.
"Anyways, back to our session." "Right." He grabbed a pen and paper and held it in front of him. "So, u wanted to talk about Larry last session, correct?" I froze. I did want to talk about him but right now didn't feel like the right time, i was more concerned about Travis. "No, not really. Not anymore." He gave me a reassuring smile "Thats okay, something on your mind?". I sighed "I'm just thinking about Travis, i knew his home situation but i wasn't really there for him enough. I feel bad." I said. "Well, i can give him a call right now if you want." Thats all i needed to hear. I quickly nodded. "Alright then, Sal." Dr.Enon grabbed the phone from the table next to the couch and asked me for Travis's number. It was the only number i remembered, weird.
"Yes hello, this is Dr.Enon speaking. I am Sal's therapist.......he wanted to talk to you.........the church...yes, i can take him there.....alone? No i'm afraid that's going to be impossible.......no i'm sorry Travis......okay well we'll be on our way..." then he hung up the phone. "Well?" I asked in anticipation. "Lets go". I jumped out of my chair almost breaking my leg.


Sal wanted to see me. Me? The bully who possibly gave him depression. Shit i barely know anything about him. Why at this time? I ran to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I was met with an ugly boy. My hair blond? No yellow. It has grown a lot since i stopped cutting it. Now it was almost as long as Ashley's hair, maybe Sal would like that. The almost faded black eye and acne on my face. I hated this. Who would like me? The only solution for me is going to be dressing nice. I looked through my closet and only saw sweaters and shorts. Wait no, there one nice thing i could wear. It was a black shirt with a clerical collar. I guess it would work the best. It kind of fits with my long hair. I put it on and looked in the mirror. First i looked disgusted but my expression changed when i imagined Sal saying i looked good. Just his voice saying that to me would cheer up my sad days. I checked my phone to see it was time to go. I put my usual shoes on and left the house, hoping for a nice experience.

I arrived at my church, i still hated that it was so connected to me. There were multiple police cars and cops outside. "travis...!" I looked around to see who called me. "TRAVIS!" my head turned to the police car on the left and i saw Sal yelling my name. There he was, i actually can't believe it. "Travis come here!" He yelled. I ran towards him, but a cop stopped me in my way. It was the same cop who asked my dad the questions this morning. "Hey Travis, can i ask you something about your church?" I was disgusted to hear 'your church' coming out of his mouth. "Yeah sure, what's wrong?". He smiled "well how many times do you go here?" I calculated it in my head "about 10 times per month, 2 or 3 times per week, why?" He nodded "that's good, i want to know what your father did here. And since you've been here a lot you must know, correct?". I didn't know much all i know was that Kenneth would leave once we got to the church. He always said that he needed to go to the restroom. But i knew that wasn't true. "Uh i don't know what he really did, but it wasn't Christian. He would always leave and go there." I pointed to a door at the end of the church. It said 'do not enter, staff only'. "Also this might help." I gave the cop my bible. "Kenneth gave me this when i graduated. I was forced to read it every day but i don't want it anymore." The cop took it and gave me a smile before leaving. "Travis!!" Sal yelled again. I quickly ran to him. He was in his jail gown and in handcuffs. Dr.Enon was standing next to him. "Hi, Sal" i said. He tilted his head. "I like the hair" he said. Even though he was wearing his mask I could tell he was smiling, his eyes always closed when he would smile. "T-thanks, Sal." "something wrong?" he asked. I didn't know what was wrong, everything should be good. This is all i ever wanted, my father got arrested, i didn't have to follow the Christian rules Kenneth made and most importantly i spoke with Sal again. My light.


Travis wasn't the way he was before, he softened. He wasn't the bully i used to know him as. With his father gone he is finally able to figure out who he is, who Travis Phelps actually is. I can't say i'm not happy to see that development happen. "Three more days until they decide what's going to happen to you huh?" Travis said. His voice caught me off guard. "Yeah, i guess so." Travis gave me a concerned look "hey Sal?" He asked. "Yes Travis?". He gulped "promise me you'll get out off there alive?" That was not something i could promise, the decision wasn't up to me. But i couldn't tell Travis that, he would try to help then which honestly couldn't help me at all. "I promise" i smiled, he couldn't see it though due to my mask. His face told me he was happy. "Thank you Sal". I was confused "for what?". He was silent for a second "for everything, saving me." His tone sounded so sinscere. "I um, of course Trav, no problem." I honestly had no idea what to say to that, i didn't expect him to say something like that. "I missed you" i said, not knowing that i said it outloud. "W-what?" Travis was bright red, i shouldn't have made him unconfortable. "Sorry! I didn't say that." Travis pretended to brush it off. "oh, okay". That last sentence made the mode akward, more then it was before. "I should go, the bishops might wonder where i am." He said, sounding really sad. "Right, see you Trav!" I wanted to give him a smile but i remembered he won't see it.

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