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Its cold. Its freezing cold here. Its also dark, outside from some lights everything was pitch black. I could feel a dread, this place was telling me to leave but i knew that's not what it wanted. I needed to be here somehow. I 'woke up' and checked my body. I thought i would be shocked to see my body basically glitching but i knew it was as it was supposed to be like that. It wasn't one me, it were all the forms of me. My child form, i was wrapped in bandage for my 'accident'. Seeing my younger self made me feel happy, which i didn't expect it to do. My teenage self made me feel lost. Memories of my friends came back, when i listened to sanity falls with Larry or when i first met Ashley, it was all coming back to me. Suddenly a voice spoke "we-lco-m-e S-a-l". I looked up to see who was speaking to me, but to my surprise no one was there. It was just a voice. "Hello?" I asked, my voice sounded raspy. The mysterious voice spoke again "I'm gi-vi-n-g y-ou a se-c-on-d c-h-an-ce." I was confused, a second chance? "What? What do you mean by a second chance?". It was silent, too silent. I could feel something, something was happening to my body. I didn't like it. It felt wrong, but not weird. The strange voice disappeared and before i knew it, i lost consciousness.


Where was i? I don't know. I'm laying on the floor it was cold and uncomfortable. The last thing i remember was getting knocked out i think, at my home? It was all so blurry, can't think. My head was spinning. I fully opened my eyes and i immediately recognised where i was. My stress level grew. I'm at the church, my church. But not in the actual room no, i was in the chambers under the entire church. Kenneth had always forbidden me from going there, he always said "you'll know one day". Oh his voice, i don't miss it. "Wakey, Wakey" said a low male voice behind me. It scared me, startled me even. I looked behind me to see who was speaking. I expected it to be one of the men i saw at my house, but it wasn't. It wasn't a man, or a cultist, it was Ashley! She was wearing one of the cloaks the cultist wear, perhaps she sneaked in here. "Ashley? Why, why are you here?!" I asked. "Shh!" She put her index finger on my lips telling me to shut up. I went quiet. "I'm going to get you out of here, then blow this place to bits" she whispered. "No, no, no, you can't do that!" I yelled. Luckily she quickly put a hand on my mouth. "Shut the fuck up" she whispered. Apparently i was tied up because Ashley took her pocketknife out of her bag and cut the ropes around my limbs. I nodded in a way of saying thanks and she helped me up. "Do you where Neil is?" She asked. "Neil?" I responded "i don't know". She frowned "don't hide things, i'm trying to stop everything here but i'm not going to leave everyone behind, so you better tell me where he is or else i'll leave you here to burn with the rest!" She sounded genuinely angry at me, though there was no reason to. "I'm serious Ashley, i don't know. I was knocked out before i was brought here." She nodded "i'm sorry, Travis. I'm just really tense right now." She said. I hugged her "i get it". She smiled and broke the hug "lets go find Neil". I gave her an approving look.

We left the corridor and headed for the last room "the cells are there, i've heard Kenneth talk about taking people there and, well kill them". Ashley's face grew a shocked look. "And you're saying Neil is in there?". "I'm not sure, but if you said he was taken, then there he's most likely to be." Ashley sighed "lets just go then". I nodded and we entered the cell room. There were many cell but most of them were empty. Ashley and i went deeper into the room. "Neil!" Ashley exclaimed, she was crying a bit. "Ashley, what are you doing here? And Travis?" Ashley nodded and said "i'm going to help you get out, do you know where the key is?" She asked. Neil nodded "a cultist has it, he went that way" he pointed to the right door at the end of the door. "Here Travis" i looked at her and she gave me her cloak she had stolen. "Go get that key, i believe in you." I was frozen "are you sure you trust me? I mean, i was mean to you and... Sal for most of our time spend together.." Ashley laughed "i trust you because Sal did, he knew you weren't a bad person, and now i know why." I smiled at her, sheading a tear. I put the cloak on gave both of them a last look before leaving the cell room.

A Second Chance? (Sal Fisher x Travis Phelps)Where stories live. Discover now