Foreword by the author

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For Yasmin,
the perfect summer muse and friend

The rules about the Stories:

1. Recognize the power of the word:
These are no ordinary stories, but delicate gateways to other worlds where horror lurks. They could cast a spell over you and make you see and feel things you never imagined. You should therefore treat it with respect and caution. Don't let yourself be seduced.

2. You may read it in the evening:
(Between 8:00 am and 10:00 pm. After 10 you must stop) Don't read it before you fall asleep or when you are tired or stressed.

3. Only three pages are allowed, not chapters per day.

4. Only use music when allowed.
The music represent how the figure feel, think and the atmosphäre.

5. Everything is fake!:
So don't over-fantasize or come up with unfathomable thoughts like founding a sect, committing yourself in danger or for committing serious errors where redress is not possible. It's a fictional story for entertainment and scary purposes only.

6. Listen to your heart and body:
The stories can be very intense and exhausting and it shouldn't force you to read them now if you can't. Always pay attention to the feeling and physical reaction and stop. Always pay attention to the feeling and physical reaction and stop if you feel stressed or scared.
Then put it down and do something that makes you feel calm and fun.

7. Avoid too much darkness and loneliness:
Such are the most dangerous because then they can more easily lure you into their trap and cut you off from reality. So read it in a quiet, peaceful and comfortable environment.

8. Maintains a clear mind and a good sense of humor:
For example, you can laugh at its weaknesses or absurdities, or delight in its literary quality.

9. And above all, I wish you a lot of fun spooking and uncovering mysteries.

P.S. You are free to give your opinions or opportunities for improvement are welcome. If you have any ideas of your own, just say so. I will try to update regularly. Also like fanart.
(But please pay attention to the language) Have fun!

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