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Sometime later, in Canada.

"What about... Elton John?"

"He is good, but not my favorite."

Marinette and Bridgette are chatting away in the plane as it is left an hour before they will land. Nino is listening to some music in his headphones, and Geoff is snoring to sleep. Before that, they have been chatting in groups about their lives and other random stuff over those many hours.

"I like Jagged Stones's songs, especially the one he made with his son."

"Oh yeah. Leshawna showed me his songs."

"Oh, my god! For real?"

Marinette asked excitedly, but calmer than before. Over those hours of flight, she calmed down and is now talking to Bridgette like she talks to her friends. But she still cannot believe that she has met her and that she will be in the Total Drama season.

"Someone seems to be calmer." Bridgette teased. "When we get there, I will for sure introduce you to Gwen and Leshawna, as well as Harold and Lindsay. DJ and Courtney are also my friends, but they won't be joining us."

"You know you just told me who will be there, right?" Marinette teased.

"I know," Bridgette said. "But does it matter? I am excited. I am going back to where I met my good friends and my boyfriend."

"I am excited as well," Marinette said. "I am sorry if I acted... you know... too crazy. You are a cool person and my favorite from the whole Total Drama series."

"Hey, it's cool," Bridgette said. "I don't mind. You honestly are better to talk to than to some people I know. Honestly, when I heard that a few people I hate are joining, I wanted to refuse, but Geoff convinced me a million times just to say yes."

"He must be a really good guy."

"Yeah. We have been dating for almost five years. Best five years of my life." Bridgette sighted dreamily until the flight caption announced that they were landing. "Oh cool, we are here!"

Bridgette woke up Geoff as they got ready to leave. The flight was taken by the power of editing for a good few seconds, as Mari and Nino left with Geoff and Bridgette on the plane.

Geoff guided them through the airport to the exit, where a Hispanic brown-haired dude with a pink shirt, purplish shorts, two black bracelets, and a star tattoo, was waiting outside beside a red Jeep. Geoff instantly ran up to him and hugged his best friend.

"I missed ya, Brody."

"Missed ya too, bro." Brody and Geoff fist-bumped each other. "Are those the contestants Don was looking for?"

"Yep! This is Marinette and Nino." They looked at them, as Marinette smiled in excitement, while Nino waved tiredly at them. Bridgette gave a small hug to her friend before getting their luggage inside the Jeep.

"Who is excited for two hours of driving before we reach the hotel?"

"Not me! :D"

The group sat down in the Jeep, with Brody driving, Geoff in the front passenger seat, and Nino, Marinette, and Bridgette at the back. The girls are asleep, with Marinette having her head on Nino's shoulder as he wanted to listen to music but would have been too weird to not talk at all.

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