CH 8

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“Last time, on Total Drama Ridonculous Race, things have been wild with the camping trial. Marinette went on a fight against a bear, which is still the talk of Wawanakwa. I am also impressed by that. With the failed proposal of the surfers, a new alliance has been formed not only with the surfer trio and teenagers but also with the new Axis of Evil. Scarier than the Goths, who speaking of the devils, for the first time in their entire history, they have formed an alliance. I guess Alliance is indeed the key to win.”

“Yes, Don. Without it, they will be voted off, which is why Owen had to be the first one to say goodbye, even with his buddy trying to save him by voting off Geoff’s soon-to-be fiancée. Big mistake.”

“What will happen with Noah and Geoff during the next challenge? Will more alliances be formed, or more rivalry? What the Axis of Evil will do this time? And will Marinette enjoy her invincibility? Find out here on Total Drama Ridonculous Island!!”


Second week, Camp Wawanakwa

In a crack of Dawn, the half-Asian teenager is jogging, enjoying the view. It has changed since Chris is on vacation, with trees going properly, animals being not mutated, and everything is clean. She is impressed that the island looks better-



She stepped back, noticing a black bear a few feet away from her. She looked freaked out and thought that they would attack her, thinking that it was the same bear she attacked last time/ This was until she noticed a pale blonde girl sitting on the bear.

“Thank you for the ride- Oh, good morning, Marinette. I never expected anyone to be awake at six in the morning.” Dawn came off the bear. “Oh, don’t worry about Chip. He isn’t hostile. This isn’t that bear from earlier.”

Marinette walked up to the bear slowly, who at the start looked scared, but eventually let her pet him. He purred as Marinette turned around to look at Dawn.

“I haven’t introduced to you yet-“

“It’s fine. Zoey mentioned you after the camping challenge. My name is Dawn. And it is nice how you dare to defend yourself even when you were bullied by a spoilt girl until you two became best friends.”

“H-How do you know that?”

“It’s all in your aura. It’s sad, but relieved from all the stress you had.” Dawn patted Marinette’s hands for reassurance. “While you are here, I need some advice from you.”

“What is it?”

“You see, I am part of a team with other interns. Yet we aren’t getting along with each other as I thought we would.” Dawn sighed while petting a butterfly that just landed on her hand. “Jen always criticizes people’s fashion taste. Ella sings non-stop. Tyler always gets himself hurt or jocks about. Mike is… himself. And DJ-“

“Something wrong with DJ?”

“Umm… no. He is fine. But a person like him doesn’t get along with people who argue over their bad habits. As well as Zoey, B, and I, we don’t know what to do, especially since those kinds of things are their parts of aura and I don’t want them to ignore it.”

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