CH 9

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Meanwhile, Chloe's room

"Wow. Typical Marinette indeed. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous."

Chloe is watching the Total Drama show, while witnessing how Marinette and the interns have sung with Don tagging in. People said that Total Drama is full of surprises, but to hear her best friend sing on National TV was the last thing expected.

International, actually-

"Stop being a nerd, Star. We already have Max to play that role."

Come on! But speaking of the nerd with two jocks.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!"

Alix, Max, and Kim soon arrived after her butler opened the door for them. She looked impressed that it was quick, but she hid it with her usual sassy queen look.

"I hope you got what I wanted." Max tried to give her Alya's phone. "But her secret one, not her usual one."

"It's the one she used last time. We couldn't find the other phone while we were there. But it still has some stuff on it." Alix said while Kim looked concerned at his phone.

"Umm... guys, Lila asked the group chat if we saw Alya's phone," Kim said, reading the message Lila sent to their group chat.

"Kim, message that you got it because you mixed up with your phone and that you will bring it back tomorrow. Max, transfer every useful detail that is on that phone onto a pen drive. I got a device that can help me record and see what is shown on that phone, but I need the copies in case."

"You got it." Max got his ultimate robot, Marcov, and started copying the data.

"Alix, did you message your cousin?"

"Yeah. She said that she would call me after the challenge before she went to the girl hang-out thingy. I am surprised that she isn't being paid for so because she is a pro-"

"Got the data fully transferred. You should have 98.45% of the things from her phone on your tablet now." Max passed her tablet back, while she instantly turned on the messages that are usually on her phone.

"Where is it? Where is it?" She muttered, looking for something, until she found a contact 'JuvieBF<3' that she clicked on and smirked.

"Let's see how you are going to like if I ruin you publicly, wannabe reporter," Chloe said before she looked at Alix. "Marinette will be aware of your redemption arc, but right now, I need you three to get Lila's messages from her phone next."

"What!? How are we going to do that?!" Max asked loudly, making Chloe block her ears.

"Great heavens, dogs will start howling from another country from your shouting. It's deafening. Now leave. I see you tomorrow."

With that, the trio left the room, with Chloe continuing to check the messages and gallery. She needs something that will crush Alya and Lila with Adrien crushing by his actions before the end of summer. She hopes that-

"What the hell? Where on Earth did she get that?"

Meanwhile, Challenge

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