CH 7

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Meanwhile in the challenge.


The camera is revealing a shaking Owen like he saw a bear, but with beans surrounding his mouth. The tent is a wreck, the crate is broken into millions of pieces, and the cans of food... are ruined.

This means he ate the food if you didn't know.

"Oh, crap. That isn't good at all." Geoff said, getting the Daredevils to see this.

"Owen, tell me that you did not eat our breakfast!" Leshawna shouted in rage.

"I'm sorry. I was hungry. D:"

"OH MA GAWD! I WILL LOSE IT-" Noah almost lost it but Emma soon grabbed his shoulder, getting his attention to her.

"Noah, take deep breaths. Everything is going to be ok." She reassured. It may be rare for him to lose it, but since they all are hungry, they are going crazy.

"Ok. We don't have food right now and our sleeping area is a wreck. God! I can't think! What to do? What to do?"

"That doesn't look good. But... Marinette and Harold went fishing... Maybe they caught something." Carrie pointed out, with Zoey walking out from there.

"Ok. I will go and look for them and see what they caught." Leshawna said, about to leave, but saw Zoey frozen in shock.

"Umm... guys... Sorry if I am bothering you... but I think that you should see that..."

Everyone turned around, only to see one thing they wished they didn't want to see.

An actual black bear.

"AHHHHHH!!!" Devin screamed like a girl, making the bear look furious.


Everyone ran, with Kitty almost dropping her phone, but Emma grabbed her to run faster. Bridgette found a big tree, and she got everyone to climb it.

So everyone is stuck in a tree like in the first season, while the bear is trying to get them.

"Why is there a black bear here!?!" Don asked Chef, while he whistled in guilt. Don sighed as he grabbed a walkie-talkie. "Zoey, what is going on?"

Zoey took out the walkie-talkie. "Eh, just a bear trying to eat us!"

"I hate how you are the bearer of the bad news! Look, we can send escorts to deal with the bear, but it means that the team loses, or you can continue this challenge. Surprisingly, there are no problems with you continuing this challenge. But it's your-"

Noah took the walkie-talkie from her, with her protesting about it, and used it. "We aren't quitting, you 'less insane version of Chris McLean'! We are not losing this challenge! Do you know what is on the line if we lose!?!"

"Our lives!?!"

Devin shouted from above, before the bear shook the tree somehow, getting Noah to drop the walkie-talkie, hitting the bear's head, making him madder.

"Hello? Noah? Zoey? Ugg! Chef! you and I need to talk about those challenges!!"

"WE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" Brody screamed in fear.

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