Welcome to Duel Academy Part 1

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"All right Duel Academy it's time I get my game on".  Said a boy with two toned brown hair dressed in grey jacket and pants and underneath he wore a red shirt  as he made his entrance to Kaiba Dome to take his entrance exams.

The Kaiba dome was filled with new students all dueling at the arena for their entrance exam hoping to enroll to Seto Kaiba's prestigious Duel Academy, while some new 1st year students who graduated from Duel Academy's middle school branch and some current 2nd and 3rd year students are watching the duel above the rails. Some of the students blazers are clad in Red, Yellow and Blue, with some white mixed in among the blues and among them standing in the rafters is  Aoi Zaizen, a tall, woman with short brown hair that reached till her nape, stood quietly, her eyes shifting  from several students dueling at the arena to the crowd of fellow students. The left most was a man, or so Aoi thought, wearing a inverted male Obelisk Blue uniform with shoulder pads and has blond seaweed shoulder-lenght hair. To his right was a woman wearing a white top and blue mini-skirt under a top like the one Aoi wore, her long blond hair reaching till her chest . To her right was a man who resembles her, he was clad in a similar inverted Obelisk uniform as the man who stood next to her but the back of his coat is flared and he has long chocolate brown hair reaching till his shoulders.  To his right was a woman with long teal hair and she also wore the same white top and blue mini-skirt as Aoi except she also wears dark blue leggings to cover both of her legs.

Down below, a young man in an all-white uniform was dueling with an examiner on one field. The young man had 3200 LP, Vorse Raider (LV 4: 1900/1200), and one set card, while on the proctor's side of the field, the examiner has both "Big Shield Gardna," "Gear Golem the Moving Fortress," in defense position and 1900 life points.

"No matter how elite you may be, in the face of my hyper-defense deck, you won't be able to chip away at my life points any further," states the examiner.

The young man retorts by raising his arm and shouting, "I activate my trap card, Ring of Destruction!" Shocking the examiner. On the field, a large purple-bordered card reveals itself face up as the boy continues, "This trap destroys one face-up monster on the field, dealing damage equal to its attack points to both of us." The metal ring surrounded by grenades then attaches to Vorse Raider before self-destructing, with a large explosion covering the battlefield.

Bastion Misawa: 2300 LP Examiner: 0 LP

"Exam duel complete." says the examinee, continuing, "Congratulations. You won."

The young man bows respectfully, saying, "Thank you very much."

And Aoi found herself softly, dreamily, sighing as she looked to his right, spying a young man, a fellow student, stood next to her, his intense gaze shifting through the crowd. He wore a long-sleeved white coat with blue collar and trimming, a pair of coattails extend from the bottom of his shirt along the back of his grey pants. His seasweed blond-green hair sat still as his intense purple eyes scanned the crowd of students…Aoi's heart skipping a beat as his gaze met hers. Her breathing became heavier, her heart fluttered as she and Yusuke Fujiwara gazed upon one another, regarding each other…and then his gaze passed from her to the Slifer Red students, Aoi blinking confused before attempting to follow his gaze towards the Slifer Reds, the lowest ranked students in the school. There the teal haired woman standing next to the burnett man's gaze looked below at  one of the shorter students in the bunch, a person with layered hair akin to the teal haired woman but much wider and a much lighter shade of blue, small glasses sliding down his nose as he seemed to squirm before the top-ranked student's gaze. And Yusuke's gaze lingered for several moments, Aoi beholding a tall, fair skin young man with Brown hair,  wearing a uniform similar to Yusuke. The young man leaned forward, almost in a contemplative position as his fingers, his choclate brown eyes watching from just above his interlocked fingers, his chin resting upon his thumbs.

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