Bastion's Formula to Sucess

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Bastion tapped furiously away at the keyboard, stopping only to click and drag different cards from the simulator interface he was running on his computer, his eyes darting to the left and right as he mixed and matched all manner of Monsters, Spells and Traps in order to create his latest and greatest deck yet. He had been hard at work on this since coming here. Bastion furrowed his brow as he swapped on trap card for another in the deck list.

"That threshold must not be reached again. When Jaden comes and duels me, I should be the one to step up to the plate and defeat him. And once I have assembled this deck, that shouldn't be a problem". His listing complete, he ran his deck list through a program he'd designed that scanned his personal collection of cards. He watched as he got matches for his cards, one by one, confirming that he could in fact create this new deck…until he got an error message. What? How? He looked at the screen, querying the error…to his horror he was lacking exactly one card: Tyrant Dragon! A rare and powerful monster indeed…and not one I wish to try this deck without.

He checked his door and then his window….and then opened up another program, initiating a sequence. I don't like hacking into the School's database but I need to know if anyone on this island has that card! He quickly ran the name of the card through the KaibaCorp Student database, watching as the list of names quickly narrowed itself down. The Slifer Red Dorm was, naturally, the first to go with Ra Yellow following not too far behind. Even the Obelisk Blue dorm, for all the wealth and supposed talent it possessed, was quickly whittled through…until Bastion was left with one name. To his surprise, it was not Zana Truesdale…but Chazz Princeton

Bastion narrowed his eyes before reaching for his draw and producing from it a case filled with a special deck he'd built solely for countering Zana, Aoi, and Jaden. I have to get that card. And if this deck can defeat Zana, neither Chazz nor Jaden stands no chance against me. He checked the time, noticing that his work had gone on longer than intended. He closed down all applications on his computer before checking his duel disk…his eyes narrowing a little when he saw words flash upon it. Card Database Updated? Did Industrial Illusions release new cards? Was it KaibaCorp? Or maybe SOL Technologies…no matter, I'll worry about it in the morning…

Chazz groaned as he waiting for his video call to connect, his right hand holding his tablet device while his left cupped his forehead, the elbow resting over his left knee. His right foot tapped impatiently on the floor as his mind raced at a mile a minute, processing everything the last few days had left upon him. The first day of the advancement duels was over now, the sun had set…and tomorrow he'd be up to defend his position in the Blue Dorm. His rightful place at the top. The place he was meant to be…the place he needed to be.

The call finally connected…and Chazz was greeted by the scowling face of Jagger. "This had better be good, Chazz," Jagger quickly cut in, "Slade and I, we're busy men…carrying out our part of the plan for World Domination!" Jagger's eyes narrowed. "Unlike a certain someone." Chazz squirmed in his seat. "Don't think I haven't heard, Chazz," Jagger continued, "Not only have you lost to that Slifer Slacker Jaden…but you're up for demotion from the Blue Dorm!" Chazz gritted his teeth. "After all the money we spent putting you through Duel Prep and then making sure you not only got into Duel Academy but also into the highest ranked dorm," Chazz flinched before every word, "Your idea of repaying our faith in you…is failing and dropping into a lower ranked dorm?!!"

"I'm trying!!" Chazz snapped back.

"TRY HARDER!!!" Jagger rebutted, Chazz falling back, "We did not come this far so YOU could let us down!" Chazz shivered a little; he'd known Jagger to be the least tempered of his brothers…but not to this extent. "Now you listen to me, Chazzy," Jagger continued, "Tomorrow you are going to duel, you are going to win and you are going to show this school what the Princeton Brothers are made of!"

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