Welcome to Duel Academy Part 2

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1 week after the entrance exam Jaden and other students who passed the entance exams sat inside of a helicopter en route to his new school Duel Academy. Some students choose to travel by a ship but Jaden choosed air travel because he hates long sea travels which can give him travel sickness. Some students like Syrus were sleeping, while some were looking and enjoying the view like Bastion, and the others were looking at their deck.

A ding dong sound came from the speakers on the aircarft, all the passengers looked up from what they were doing.

"Attention new students this is your captain speaking, if you look right you will see your new home Duel Academy and we will be landing within 30 min, so I request all the passengers to fasten your seatbelts until we landed". Most of the students did as they were ordered, looking happy and excited to see their new school through the window screen.

After 4 hours of flying, all the students finally landed at the main building area and took their bags from overhead compartments and followed the line out of the plane.

As they arrive they saw a group of teachers and academic staffs standing in front of the main building which also includes Crowler and Midori and among them are also Miss Fonda Fontain the head of Obelisk Blue girls dorm, Professor Sartyr the head of Ra Yellow. In the middle of the group standing was a older bald man in his 40ties-50ties and he had a grey goatee and his eyes are shinning and he was smiling kindly

"Good Morning everyone, I am Chancellor Sheppard the head of this school and welcome to Duel Academy". His voice rang across the crowad and cheers from new students rang into the sky.

"I know you all must be very tired, now you all can settle and get some rest at your dorms and make sure you attend the Welcome Ceremony which will began after 6 hours". Sheppard finished with a chuckle. He knows that all the new students who have just arrived at the island are feeling exhausted and they just feel like jumping straight into their beds. So he decided to not prolong the assembly and hope they find their assigned dorms comfortable.

The students then left the main building area and headed off to their dorm room assignments and took their keys from registration. Jaden was checking his PDA a silver hand held gadgets which is similar to a phone, and it contains his ID, grades, and details of his dorm etc.

"Well looks like I am in room number 202". Jaden said while turning of his PDA.

"Well looks like we're roommates ". Syrus exclaimed happily while looking at Jaden.

"That sounds great, I can't wait to see how our dorm looks".

The Obelisk Blue Girls dorm is situated next to the boys dorm and both the genders can socialized with each other any time they want. The dorm looks like a castle outside and inside it looks like a seven star hotel. The dorm is reserved for elite or rich student who have connection and it is the biggest out off all three dorms. The service are akin to a seven-star hotel.

After arriving in the island following the welcome ceremony, Alexis and Aoi are going to the Obelisk Blue dorm for girls. Currently they are talking about stories about this crazy school and Jaden's duel with Crowler "I still can't believe that Jaden guy might be in our classl"

"Yeah, same. Pherhaps he might be parallel classmates or he could be an Obelisk like us" Alexis nodded to what she meant, "But right now, I can't wait to see how Obelisk Blue dorm is like".

"Although, I am curious. Have you heard that the Obelisk Blue dorm looks like a French Chateaux?" asked Alexis as Aoi was confused, but answered it by a nod.

They stood at the entrance of the Obelisk Blue Dorm, for girls, and the place looked like a seven star hotel. The building looked more like a French Chateaux. On the backside, there is a beautiful sight of the lake on the island. On the roof were blue tiles.

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