Abandoned Dorm

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The Abandoned Dorm, a forbidden place as per the rules at Duel Academy, and a spooky one at that. It wasn't like any of the dorms today, heck if it was still a verified, living dorm people would be ecstatic to live at least in the Slifer Red Dorm. It was a large, run-down building with boards over the windows and the front door broken open. As lonely as the place was, one person frequently visited since she came to the island. That person was Aoi Zaizen. She walked through the trees and stopped right at the wall and 'Do not enter' sign. Next, she laid down a red rose at base of the wall and prayed...

"Be at peace brother, wherever you are

Next day after class, Atticus visited the card shack when heard about a new shipment of assorted cards. After the fiasco with the rare cards on exam day, he went to see if they had some packs for him. And with the duel points he racked up, he could buy himself another deck for all he cared. He settled on some new packs, hoping for some new cards as extra support for his deck.

"Let's see what these packs got for me..." Atticus  muttered as he searched through the deck. "Hmm, some of these dargons could help out, but they are not exactly compatible to the monster cards." He skimmed through the next pack, "Hey, some field spells and some new traps!? Hello!" He felt extra pleased with the field spells, they actually looked like volcano. As for the traps he got some decent ones, some summoning and destroying ones.

"Got any new cards lately?" He heard Zana's voice behind him.

"Yup, and check out these field spells!" Atticus  showed her the cards.

"It's a shame you didn't have those; you would feel right at home performing with those cards." Zana said.

"Yeah, they'll be tricky to use as well, since they affect my side of the field as well." Atticus thought out loud. "Such as the power of a field spell."

"You'll be fine." Zana said patting him on the back. "Time to go get some packs, wait here!" She ran off to the shelves, grabbing what she could find.

'Wow, look at her go.' Atticus thought as she took a whole box of packs and bought them. When she returned to her friend, she was carrying them with another package. "Where did that come from?"

"Oh, my mom sent me some winter clothes.Zana said. "Guess I'm staying around when winter break rolls through."

"Maybe she could vist on holiday" Atticus added. "You know, I'll carry the package to your room; looks like you got some trouble holding them."

"Thanks!" She threw him the package, but when Atticus caught it, he had more trouble carrying it. "Whoa! You must have a whole wardrobe in here!"

"Suck it up!" Zana yelled, startling the Red Eyes duelist. "Now, let's go!"

'Okay, when did she get so scary?' Atticus thought as he walked after her, struggling with the package.

They all watched with varying levels of widened eyes or slack jaws. The way the strings were strummed and how his fingers moved with ease along the metal device made each sound feel like a masterful puzzle, with each piece fitting perfectly to the last. As the guitar melody slowly ended, the Ace of the Slifer Red dorms ended with one final note the hung in the air for a while.

Jaden Yuki ended his string with a strong note that held in the air even after he stopped playing. He looked up, exhaled, and smiled at his friends. "So, what do you guys think?"

Shima's applause was his reward and Jaden couldn't help but blush the same color as his blazer and rub the back of his head. "Aww shucks guys, it's no big deal!"

"I had no idea you actually knew how to play the electric guitar, Jay." The club VP Aoi mused.

"My dad used to be in a band, and he taught me how to play the electric guitar." That was the first time many heard Jaden speak about something other than Duel Monsters and about him not being good at school. "It was pretty cool, he was a big music nerd and had like this entire room filled with some of the classic rock eras. He was kinda obsessed though."

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