Promotion Duel Part 1

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Chancellor Sheppard leaned forward, resting his chin on the back of his hands, his elbows resting upon the large desk inside his spacious officer, the window behind him overlooking the four dorm buildings. The rotund, balding, bearded man clad in a long Academy coat fixed his eyes on Zana, Yusuke, and Atticus as the three senior Obelisk Blue students awaiting the Chancellor's reply. Sheppard thought deep, hard as he weighed up what he had just heard. His gaze shifted from the three Obelisk elites to the four Heads of the Dorms. Banner seemed the least phased, Midori remained neutral, Satyr's eyes were widened somewhat while Fontaine could help but smile. Crowler, however, wore an expression of absolute horror, his mouth agape as if screaming inaudibly.

"It's an odd request, Truesdale," Sheppard at last replied, "Especially considering exactly what you, Rhodes, and Fujiwara proposed…but I trust all of your judgement." Sheppard stood up, turning and walking over to the window. "Zana if you say Jaden has what it takes to sit at the top, then I say we give him the shot," Sheppard continued, "Jaden Yuki will compete in the promotional exams."

Zana smiled. "Thank you, Chancellor," she said, "I promise, you won't be disappointed." Sheppard looked over his shoulder, nodding in agreement.

"Now that's settled," Sheppard continued, "Is there anyone else who should be in the Promotion Duels?"

Ms Midori stepped forward. "Actually, Chancellor, there is an…oversight that need correcting," she said. Sheppard nodded. "There is an ongoing co-habitation violation involving the Red Dorm and I feel promoting the freshmen student involved is the correct course of action!"

Satyr stood forward next. "Bastion Misawa, too, shows a level of skill beyond his dorm," the Yellow Headmaster added, "I nominate him for promotion into Obelisk Blue." Sheppard nodded.

"And what about you, Crowler?" he asked, the Blue Headmaster composing himself.

Crowler thought for a moment. "I think I'll use my recommendation to let the students results speak for themselves," Crowler answered, "We should at least let some of the students earn their spots, after all."

Sheppard nodded. "Then it's all settled," he stated, "Once we have the results of the testing, I'll begin drawing up the matchings." He smiled. "We've got a fine batch of students this year…and I look forward to seeing just what they're capable of!"

A week later, it was a bright, sunny Monday morning. For some, it was just another day of the Academy, for some it was the day when they get new cards, but for others, the day that they can be upgraded to a better dorm.

Some woke up early to get to Duel Academy, only to not be opened. They must figure that they will come later today.

Case in point. Military submarines, helicopters and planes all flew towards Duel Academy. Their mission was the most difficult thing any person can do, delivering cards for some card-hungry monsters they call Duel Academy students.

“Attention all men. Opposing planes, boats and helicopters, hell it seems that the entire world is against us.” said the admiral as he assured his men. “But in the end, our goal is nearly done. The most important part of our journey is almost done.” he said as he looked at his suitcase, which had the Duel Academy logo on it.

The main military boat came further than others, “Our main stop. Duel Academy.”

Jaden groaned as he leaned back onto the small decorative obelisk out the front of the Duel Academy's main entrance. The Slifer student sat there, tired, spent after the back-to-back periods of testing, Syrus not far off, slumped against the pillar with his rear planted onto the grass. Syrus groaned as he reflected on his exams. They had been challenging, he'd expected as much, but he was confident he'd at least pass. Jaden, on the other hand, was almost certain he'd flunked. The practical exam, that he blitzed, Banner's examination deck barely slowed him down…but the written exam, that was beyond him.

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