A Winter Break and Adventure to Duel Monsters Spirit World Part 2

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Five-year-old Jaden Yuki woke up in the middle of the night. He thought he spotted something moving in his bedroom closet. As he got up from his bed and walked towards his closet, the little tyke heard something from behind his door.

Did he hear something about darkness and a king?

When he opened the door, his room exploded with light—

"Aaah!?" Jaden sat up fast from the—sand? Why was he on sand?

"Guys?!" The Slifer Red Ace looked around, but soon spotted a familiar hairy sphere planted on the ground. Jaden yanked the upside-down Winged Kuriboh off the sand. The little creature expressed gratitude for the act by nuzzling up to the teen like a flying puppy.

The talented duelist laughed before looking around. He wasn't that smart with maps, but he thought deserts, forests, and arctic tundras weren't within walking distance with each other.

"Wait! I can feel you again!" Jaden smiled as he held the small spirit in his hands before realizing something. "So does this mean we're back in that one place? But there's more light here... three suns? So it's not the same place... but waaaayyyy better!"

The brunette looked around before he remembered he wasn't the only one who came here. "Hey, where's everybody?"

Winged Kuriboh cooed and flew towards the forest area. It didn't take long for the brunette to follow his lead.

As Jaden followed Winged Kuriboh's lead, he took in the many weird and bizarre sights of the area. The boy couldn't help but feel excited! This is what his five-year-old self dreamed off: adventure across an unknown land!

Jaden went ahead of his floating friend and climbed up a nearby boulder. As he did so, he saw past the trees and saw many more bizarre sights as flying trees, floating isles, and yellow clouds up in the sky.

"This place is amazing!" Jaden cried out as he threw his hands out in the air.

"Ah! Sir Jaden!" The brunette recognized that formal sounding voice and looked down to see Honest walking towards them. "It is fortuitous that we are within the same area."

"Four-what-now?" Jaden repeated before he looked around the angel spirit and notice he was carrying his Master it seems unlike anyone else he remain unconscious. "What happen to Yusuke and Where's Aoi, Sy, and Aqua?"

"Master just fell unconscious after we came here and  here are the others" A half answer/half grunt answered. Jaden and Winged Kuriboh spotted Aoi carrying Syrus on her back who appears to be nervous and Aqua whose height has increased is walking with them... "I can't believe those imbeciles performed a proper ritual! Why was that legitimate!?"

Winged Kuriboh gave a little noise. Jaden looked over to his partner in confusion. "Blood? You mean the portal in the abandoned dorms is activated by blood?"

Syrus eyed Jaden and Winged Kuriboh in disbelief. "I don't know how you got that from one sound, but can we please find a way home!?"

"What about the others, Sy?"

"What about the others?" The boy narrowed his eyes.

Jaden was quick to point out something his timid best friend wouldn't consider. "Don't you see, Sy? This is our chance to find Aoi's brother and the other missing students!"

"I believe another world is far out of our jurisdiction!" Syrus cried out before pointing to Honest. "You! Get us out of here!"

"I cannot, Mr Truesdale."

A brief second of anger flashed over Syrus's face before he sighed with resignation. "What's the problem?"

"You were not dragged into the spirit world by a duel. Those young men opened a portal willingly. Only with their blood can we open a portal back to our home." Honest looked up to Winged Kuriboh. " Winged Kuriboh has said so."

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