Miss Duel Academy

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Chazz Princeton looked annoyed as he was preparing to leave Duel Academy Island. He had enough  of shit dealing with his family reputation and fed up of losing to students who are ranked below him

I'm not leaving. I'm definitely coming back! I hated my loss against Bastion, but there's no way I can get stronger here." He vowed as he had enough of  Duel Academy, and got up to the boat and told the driver to hit the engine.

Meanwhile in the Lighthouse, Aoi huffed as she watched Chazz's boat leave the docks. "The ego on that one!"

The brown-haired girl looked at her duel disk to see Aqua standing in the orb. She looked at Aoi before saying, "Aoi I received a message from Winged Kuriboh. He wishes us to come over to one part of the isle."

Aoi raised a brow. "How did you two send a message? Isn't he a Duel Spirit while you're an Ignis?"

"It is a little hard to explain, but Ignis have the telepathy to communicate with Duel Spirits. It's easy for us to sense each other with our presence."

Aoi still didn't understand. However, her brain realized something else entirely. "Wait, if that furball called you, does that mean Jaden got himself into trouble again? He's supposed to be in class right now!"

"I don't even bloody know what I'm currently looking at." Not many people could pull off a deadpan look with a glare, but Aoi was making it work like a natural.

"Aoi!?" Syrus, Shima, Alexis, Mindy, and some government looking people looked over to the Obelisk. "What are you doing here!?" The teal-haired Slifer finished.

"Apparently, I'm watching a monkey duel with another monkey wearing a ridiculous helmet."

Jaden blinked and turned around. "Hey! I know it's hard to see, but that's Jasmine behind the monkey, Aoi, not another monkey! Plus, I'm the one dueling!" Leave it to Jaden to not understand insults thrown his way.

The brown-haired girl inhaled deeply. "I know I'm going to regret this. I also know I won't have the patience for the answer, but can someone please explain this maddening circumstance before me!?" 

However, the sheer stupidity of Jaden dueling a lab monkey—specifically trained to duel— was too much for the girl to handle.

"Nope! Nope! NO!" Aoi interrupted the scientist trying to explain. "I'm not dealing with this today! Goodbye! I'm seeing you all tomorrow!" With that, the brown-eyed girl started to walk away.

"W-Wait!" Jasmine cried out from the tree hanging from the cliff. "Don't go! I'm in trouble here!"

Aoi didn't stop walking. "I mean no personal ill will, but frankly, I don't give a damn right now!"

"I'll join your club if you stay and help!"

Aoi froze and turned back to Jasmine. "What?"

"I-I'll join your club! I heard Syrus mention something about you needing club members a while ago! I'll join, but help me out of here!"

Aoi was surprised, but not because Jasmine offered to be in her club. She noticed the fact she heard it from Syrus and not a certain someone else.

"Oh wait, you have a club?!" Mindy seemed to look over to Aoi with excitement despite the fact her friend was dangling over a cliff. "What kind of club is it?!"

Instead of answering, Aoi turned over to the only blonde around.

"Explain." She didn't actually say a word, her glare spoke for her. (It said more than one word though.)

"S-Sorry, I kinda," Alexis briefly looked around as if she could find something to point Aoi's wrath elsewhere. "Didn't get the chance to ask?"

Aoi sighed deeply and folded her arms. "I probably should have left with Chazz."

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