Disciplinary Dueling

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2 days have passed after the incident at the abandoned dorm. Aoi, Alexis, Jaden, Shima, Syrus, and Chumley all gathered at the Slifer Red dorms cafeteria. They were discussing about how terrifying the incident was. Alexis, Syrus, and Chumley were still terrified of getting kidnap and being put alive in the coffin by Titan, especially the latter two, if it wasn't for Jaden they would have likely died. Aoi was terrified off getting attacked by Tokens and almost died when the floor was crumbling, and she too would've died if she didn't meet Aqua. Shima also felt terrified listening to their story and felt like he was watching a horror movie and even brought a popcorn to eat while listening to their story. But their was one guy who enjoyed the duel to the maximum despite almost dieing and to no one's suprise it was Jaden much to their dismay. To him he found the duel very sweet and everything else was a fub entertainment.

Aoi didn't want to dwell much into the subject and decide to change the topic about the missing students and for some reason she decided to keep Aqua with her in her duel disk.

Aqua revealed more detailed about her birth and partner Miyu Sugisaki to everyone.

10 years ago their were 6 children who were kidnapped during an incident known as the lost incident. They were used as test subjects to create 6 AI' with free will known as Ignis based on the 6 attributes of Duel Monsters and Aqua was created from Miyu and she is based on the water attribute so in other words she is an water Ignis. 6 months after being confined to an empty room the children were suddenly rescued and Aqua and her friends eventually escaped and they created a world known as the Cyberse World where they hope to live on their own and not bother human. But for some reason Aqua choose to be with Miyu, because she was so attached to her Origin and 3 months after the incident she was reunited with Miyu who was still traumatised over the Lost Incident. When Miyu first met Aqua she initially found her as a cute doll who was fun to play with but eventually she came to realize that Aqua is an AI with freewill and she also learned about the Lost Incident and the reason she was kidnapped. Miyu was initially scared to duel but Aqua help her overcome her fear and boost her confident in dueling again. The two eventually became inseparable partners and Miyu decide to move on and put her past aside. Two years ago by the time Miyu turned 16 she enrolled to Duel Academy as freshmen and was a Obelisk Blue student who was placed in a honors student dorm and the Headmaster of the dorm was Akira Zaizen, and she also made many friends including Zana, Yusuke, Atticus and Seika who were in the same year as her and one day Miyu put Aqua in a box before never seeing her again.

Everyone felt sad and sorry for her especially Aoi, not only did she lost her brother but also her childhood friend Miyu who vanished at abandoned dorm. She  realize there were many missing students besides her brother and Miyu.

The gang are curious to know how she met Miyu.

Aoi revealed When her brother Akira was in high school he would engage in part-time job after school and when he is working he would drop her to the park to play and she would feel lonely because she didn't have anyone to play with until she met Miyu who was just 2 years older than her. Aoi found it strange that someone would be so friendly with her because no one was behaving like this to her before. But she in fact loved it and was glad to have a friend like her. Those two became inseparable and they did everything together. Play in the park,  build sand castles together, watch anime like One Piece and Sailor Moon, and even dueled together. One day, Miyu showed Aoi her mother’s wedding ring and accidentally dropped in the drain, she became terrified and worried that her mother would scold and grounded her, so Aoi decided to take the blame and cover up her mistakes which prompt Miyu to confess her mistakes but it didn’t work out, but Aqua revealed Miyu felt indebted to her for doing something so big for her.

Both Aoi and Aqua wanted to see Akira and Miyu again, which everyone understood.

But the gang had a bit of trouble as Aqua wanted to find Miyu right away. That meant going back to that occult house, which everyone wanted to be nowhere near at that hour. Aoi was able to convince her to at least stay and rest up a while and find out things past before making her move. Aqua thanked her for the conversation before sliding down to Aoi's duel disk, making her almost believe she had gone crazy for the past some hours.

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