Explosion Duel

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Dr. Crowler was sitting in his office making the final preparations for the duels.

'Just look at them! Pathetic Slifers littering the campus like vermin... The harold halls of MY Duel Academy of all the elite! Not the lame! Not Jaden Yuki! Not Syrys Truesdale! Dr. Crowler thought in anger seeing the Slifers in the cameras before shouting in rage, "THOSE SLIFER SLACKERS MADE A FOOL OF ME FOR LONG ENOUGH!"

His shout was heard all around in the Academy. Suddenly the door opened and Chazz walked in. "Crowler, let me be one of two who get to knock those Slifer rejects out of here."

"Hm? You?" Dr. Crowler asked hearing that.

"Yeah, it would be my pleasure to send them packing." Chazz smirked. "Jaden got lucky last time, it won't happen again."

It didn't took Dr. Crowler a mere five seconds to decide. "Sorry, but you'll be sitting this duel out Chazz."

"Say what?" Chazz questioned.

"Don't get me wrong, your skills are admirable but I'm afraid I'm not taking any chances on this one. If Jaden, and Syrus loses here they will be expelled from Duel Academy once and for all." Dr. Crowler explained it to him, "Which is why they'll be facing two of the greatest Tag Duelists in the world."

With that said, and done he walked out of his office leaving Chazz there. Chazz clenched his fists before frowning. "Well, if Crowler says they'll be expelled I guess I can just watch the show."

People flocked into the stadium to watch the tag duel. A bunch of Slifer Reds, the lowest of the school, were going into an expulsion duel by opponents set by Crowler. To the students, this was the same as a social execution.

Jaden Yuki and Syrus Truesdale stood in one corner of the field, waiting for their opponents to show up. All the while, the crowd seemed to be against them, heckling them more than usual.

In the stadium, most of the gavel club and Alexis sat as close together as possible. Alexis and Bastion looked to Aoi after seeing the crowd boo their two friends.

"Rumor is going on that Crowler arranged for best Professionals to duel them," The two waited for a bit of time, but Aoi didn't continue.

They narrowed their eyes more.

"Indeed. I have to say these matches are a bit harsh." Bastion told her.

"So you're saying they're going to lose?" Alexis questioned.

"We'll let the dueling answer that." Bastion admitted.

"What's taking them so long?" Chumley asked. "It's been five minutes past the scheduled time."

"This might be a mind game," Seika put a hand on her chin. "Making your opponents wait more tends to rattle people's nerves."

"They wouldn't do something like that to students," Bastion Misawa offered. "Would they?"

Shima pointed to the other end of the stadium. "Hey! There's Dr. Crolwer!"

More people than the club members heard her and saw Dr. Crolwer in the lead of two fully cloaked figures.

"Overkill hoods".Yusuke, who watched over the top rails, raised his brow. However, from up there, he saw something under their hoods. "Hey, wait a minute."

Crowler stepped into the duel field. "Sorry for the delay! Allow me to introduce the opponents!"

"We can introduce ourselves!" The one who said this was tall, maybe just a little taller than Jaden.

"The name's Rex Raptor and I'm the top dino Duelist in the world." Much to everyone's suprise it was Rex Raptor a man with long brown hair poking out from under a red beanie cap and a green jacket.

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