Chapter 4: Fragile Family Ties

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"My dear mother, Gwendolyn Clawthorne. She was livid by the time my curse had been discovered, trying everything to see if there was a way I could be cured. Instead, I found a way to cope with this so-called infliction of mine, thanks to the Order. I gained a symbiosis with the very beast I now carry inside of me, earning myself the title of "The Owl Lady". A fitting title if you ask me. Unfortunately, my mother never cared to hear out how I've benefited from this. Ever so determined to find a way to cure me. She could never understand what this meant to me now, and I couldn't return home by then. Maybe that was for the best; the less I'm around, the less my family is in danger. On the plus side, Victor has helped me do a little research on the portal door I found. He believes it might be connected to something his people called "The Infinite Corridor", which probably makes sense, given how my portal is an actual door. Someday, I'll have to look more into this...

At the Owl House, the research that Luz had been conducting for weeks now had taken its toll on her, leaving her passed out in a pile of her own books. Despite how Belmonts are known for handling days and nights without feeling too much exhaustion, Luz was still a kid, recovering from months of heated battles, nightmares, countless pages of complicated history, conspiracies, connections to her family's involvement and so on. She didn't want to be tired, but the excess use of magic and her family's powers were extremely draining. Perhaps, a little bit of day's rest would help to regenerate her.

"Luz!" Eda screeched, making Luz wake up and topple from the pile of books. The Owl Lady herself was in the kitchen herself, now wearing her Brotherhood of Light Uniform. She's kept it in good condition, in memory of her time in the order, and with Victor. There were only a few modifications she's made, but at least it suits her well.

"...Well, so much for rest." Luz muttered as she got up and rubbed her head.

"Sorry to wake you, kiddo. If you want, you can take my nest and get some R ."

Luz started to stretch as she replied "I think you're the only one in this house who sleeps comfortably in a nest."

"Learn to shapeshift into a beast and you'll get used to it." Eda said. "So, how's your research going?"

"I'm practically buried in the stuff as it is." Luz said as she started to restack her books. "But I looked into some things regarding your portal door. Interesting connection you made with the Infinite Corridor. Makes sense in my opinion, since most portals alone are based on Primordial Energy."

"I always considered my portal a gift from the Titan itself." Eda remarked. "I've had it since I was a kid, and I knew it was older than it looked."

Before they continued their conversation, some rumbling went on around the house, and then there was darkness immolating from the Living Room. Heading in there, they could see that Lilith had woken up, but like her sister, she tended to...widen herself in a way. Just as how Eda sleeps in her bestial form, Lilith awakens in a more demonic form, becoming a She-Bat. In this form, the color of her skin returned to a white color, along with her hair back to its blue color. She was...utterly naked, with claws appearing on her hands and feet, with fur covering them up to her forelegs and upper arms. Some of that fur even covered her abdomen and back in the form of a corset and...even around her nether regions. Black feathered wings with claws were at her back, her ears were larger and more batlike and her fingers were bigger and sharper. The very sight of her made the two other ladies in the house widen their eyes and blush, but Eda also had a sly smile on her face. When Lilith finally noticed them, she quickly covered herself in embarrassment, her arms over her chest and her wings covering the rest of her.

"Would you PLEASE give me some privacy!?" She yelled at them. "It's bad enough being a bloodsucker, but to wake up like this is humiliating!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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