Chapter 3: Dark Echoes

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"I never thought that, in all my life, would I have come across something such as this. After spending several months on Earth, with the Brotherhood of Light, my mentor, Victor, decided to follow me back home to the Boiling Isles. He also gave me this fancy journal, which a lot of the guys back with the Order have. At this point, I was still on the run, but even then, did Victor help me out, defending me, fighting by my side. He's been more family to me ever has been. I'm not sure if I could ever forgive my sister for what she had done to me, but I do thank her for accidentally helping to get me out of the Coven system. Being a fugitive isn't so bad once you get used to it. On the plus side, Victory and I had found a neighboring island that I didn't know existed until now. We're gonna go check it out and see if it's an Emperor-Free zone. Hopefully, we won't run into anything weird over there..."

In the Owl House, Luz was looking over a Travel that Apparently belonged to Eda, telling of the times that she was part of the Brotherhood of Light, and when she was Victor Belmont. While Luz believes Victor to be an ancestor, having been studying her family tree, she isn't entirely sure from which branch Victor was from. None of the better-known Belmonts ties him into much of her common Ancestry, and from what Eda had told her, it has only been several decades since they last saw each other. It brought up a question in her mind...who was Victor Belmont?

Then King came, rushing over to the girl, knocking over a few scrolls in the progress as he said "Luz, I need your help! I think Francois is trying to start a rebellion."

He points over to the couch, covered in his plushies. Francois, his pale pink bunny, is sitting in the center on a pillow when suddenly, a jagged dagger with a red gem on the hilt falls out from behind him.

"Not now, King." Luz sighed. "I'm busy studying my family tree. Research is important, you know?"

King groaned. "It's always research and studying with you these days. What about King?"

"Hmph." Luz brings King up to his lap. "I'm always gonna have time for you King. I know my stuff may always seem boring, but you gotta admit that it's caught your interest. And, it's better than being with the other weirdos in this house. Like our newest addition, for example."

She gestures over to Lilith, who was by the coach, drawing something on a piece of paper... with a paintbrush that had what Luz was hoping was just red painting. Lilith seemed rather focused on what she had been told to draw, as it specifically meant to "banish" certain monsters, according to Luz. But as it came into formation, she could see the runes that were on the edge of the circle she drew and the forming of a hexagonal shape with two lines tracing a cross inside. When it was finished, it glowed in a crimson-red hue.

"So this is a seal?" She asked. "Interesting..."

King shuttered at the sight of her. Sleeping in a house that is now with a vampire has not exactly been comfortable. But at least they've been doing well to make sure Lilith was well fed...and by they, I mean Hooty, as the very house demon comes in with a mug...that had a dead rat inside it.

"A fresh cup of tea for my favorite cup of tea. That's you, Lulu." He says cheerfully.

Sighing, Lilith gives Hooty some pets on the head before saying "Hootsifer, you truly are a gem. How do you always know what to do?"

Confused, King whispers to Luz "What's going on? Is Hooty blackmailing her?"

"No. Those two have surprisingly gotten along pretty well." Luz answers. "And it's good to see Lilith has been mastering the art of seal-binding. We might just need those later."

"For what?"

"Something very, VERY important, according to Ms. Belmont here," Lilith says, walking up to Luz and handing her the paper. "Your seal, child. I must say, to study this form of magic has been rather fascinating." She then starts to walk back to the coach. "Had I still been the lead historical scholar of the Emperor's Coven, this would've been-"

Luz B. Noceda: The Next Belmont Season 2Where stories live. Discover now