Chapter 2: Industrial Strength

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As the Boiling Isles is shrouded in darkness and people have gone into hiding, leaving those who can defend themselves go off against the Night Creatures, who've marked much of their territory around the Titan's Corpse, there are those who have found this invasion quite beneficial, as at Blight Industries, the Isles most popular Company for Security and Weaponry, business has been rising up in sales on inventions specialized in defenses for territory. Blight Industries very own Odalia Blight find this to be the best thing that ever happened to her and her business.

She was a woman with a curvaceous build contrasted by the sharp features in her face, her mint green hair in a bun, lighter green on the top layer and darker on the bottom layer, much like her eldest children, but with lighter streaks across the top, and she usually wears wears a violet blouse with a white petticoat that has a triple interlocking orb pattern, navy pants, and gray heeled boots, and she accessorizes with a necklace with a pink, oval gem that matches the one Amity used to wear, purple lipstick, and golden earrings.

She had found the Invasion of the Night Creatures beneficial because it allowed her to sell a lot more products to wealthy investors and anyone else desperate for protection. Of course, this also meant working her husband, Alador, twice as fast to keep up with sales and inventing newer products. As of now, they getting one of their newest inventions ready for one of their annual private, which she found fortunate enough to still be able to do. Their experimentation in Abominations was the main flux of their company and how they work with the material got to more industrial than when the originally started.

"What's the status on the prototype?" She asked her husband, who was tinkering on a huge mech of an Abomination...or at the very least what looked like an Abomination with armor plating strapped around its body. When it came to this sort of stuff, Alador was considered to be the greatest abomination creator of the era, but even he had his limits in what he can work with.

"Just about done." He responded. "And ready for the presentation tomorrow."

"Yes...about that, we're going to have to reschedule." Odalia said.

"Why is that?"

"The expectations of our company are growing. People are growing more desperate for their protection and are looking towards us to help them achieve." She explains as she gestures to the Abomaton. "They are expecting these things to go against creatures that were literally hooked up from the guts of Hell. Creatures that can use magic all on their own We can no longer simply put on a show. We need our products to be exceptional."

Alador looked at his own creation and replied "Well, if improvements are to be made, then the rescheduled event should take place in about...several weeks?"

"You get a SINGLE week, Dear." Odalia immediately replied, but before Alador could say anything back, his wife stopped him and continue "Now before you panic, I have taken the liberty into making your work easier."

She then brings out a scroll and unravels to show the blueprints for an entirely improved Abomaton soldier. Alador looked at the prints with awe, as he never thought of making these sort of ideas into his creations, and they would work perfectly...perhaps too perfectly. Looking through the blueprints another few times, he carefully saw through the advanced weaponry, mobility and intelligence it would be fitted with to make it the most powerful sentient weapon his company had ever developed. There were even some things he wasn't sure that they had at their disposal at the moment.

"Now, you need not worry about materials. I've managed to get a hold of what we needed for the upgraded model. Trust me, when this is finished, it will work to its maximum potential."

Alador continued to think about it, and was worried he might even do too good of a job of integrating all this into product. Not only that, he then asks "What about how we were going to demonstrate this machine of ours? Don't get me wrong, this would be the greatest creation we ever developed, and it would make us a fortune. But if what you say is true, and we successfully put all this into the Abomaton, and show it the rest of the Isles with the demonstration we had planned...Well, I'd be lying if I said I was worried about our daughter's safety.

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