Chapter 1: On Stranger Tides

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In a dark and creepy cave, Luz Belmont ventured within, holding a torch in one hand and her whip in the other as she walked and looked around around the cave. It was only until she saw a large shadow in front of her, and then hears a demonic laugh...

"You were a fool to return, Young Belmont." says a deep and menacing voice. "For I, Garlog, will lay waste to all that you know!"

Unphased by this attempt to scare her, Luz stands her ground as she says "You're hardly the least of my worries, Garlog. You're not worth my time anyway...Tiny."

She looks down to see that Garlog was in fact a tiny demon who was just showing his shadow by a lamp.

"I'm not here for you anyway...I'm here for that." She points behind Garlog, who turns to see that looming over him was a Brawler Werewolf, given the spikes at his arms and the horns on its head. Frightened by the beast, Garlog scampers off as Luz tosses the torch and readies herself. The Brawler snarls and readies its claws, the two eager to rip each other apart.

"Hey, Luz!" spoke out King, who was coming her way. "I was catching up when I saw this little guy, and I figured 'Eh, might as well have a light snack', and-WOAH."

"King...step back." And the little demon did just that as Luz suddenly dodged an oncoming claw, jumping over the brawler before running towards the cave walls. The werewolf followed behind her with its jaw wide opened as Luz then flipped off the wall, swinging her whip until...


Later in the day, Luz was with Eda and King on a cart that was being pulled by a horse-like creature as they were making their way to the market with the recovered remains of their latest bounty. As they rode in silence through the rather desolate streets of Bonesborough, Luz rode in her general and narrated in her mind.

"It's been about a week and a half since my return to the Boiling Isles, and already have things gotten a lot more interesting. According to Eda, Gus and Willow, the majority of the Boiling Isles has became a war zone, with the Night Creatures reeking havoc. The Emperor's Coven has gone silent, and without anyone to look for guidance, let alone protection, most of the people of the Isles have gone into hiding. A few so-called demon hunters have been having fun with the surplus of monsters they could now catch and sell, but none of them know how to handle them like I do." She then feels the cart come to a stop as Eda comes off of it and pulls out a bag of captured demons, save for the werewolf corpse. "Eda had just shut down her 'Human Treasures' business, attempting to do more work in help the people of the Isles by getting rid of many Night Creatures as we could." Luz then watches as the Shopkeeper of the Bounty Booth measures the bag on a scale. He stupidly gives Eda one snail, before the Owl Lady gestures to corpses of the Werewolf...and the keeper reluctantly gives Eda more money. "'Course, she still expects pay..." But then, she watches Eda walk over to a poster of her late sister, Lilith, with candles lit below it as the Owl Lady looked sad for a moment, lowering her head before slowly returning to the cart.

Luz sighs as she continues to write. "Though Eda never bothered to tell, I can tell her sister was dead. A lot of people seemed to have idolized Lilith, being the head, and more like the light, in the shadow of the Emperor's Coven. And even though she never stood well by me, I wouldn't wish for a sudden death on arch-enemy, even if they were my ally's kin...For Eda's sake, we will see justice through, and avenge her sister. This, I swear." And with that, Luz finishes up and closes her journal. "So, what now, Eda? Another bounty?"

"Got a big one if you can handle it." says the Owl Lady as she holds the wanted poster up to Luz. "Called the "Selkidomus". It's been terrorizing ships, ravaging boats up and down the coasts, and not only is it a perfect bounty, but substances it produces is of high monetary value."

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