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In ages long past, there was once a warrior who was both noble and brave beyond all measure. His deeds of heroism and skill in combat were legend. His name was whispered within the hallowed halls of men for countless generations. Yet now his name is lost, lost in the mists of time forever. It is said that destiny delights in the misfortunes of men, and so it proved true for Belmont.

For even after defeating the Lords of Shadow and ending their reign of terror, his soul was cursed with the very darkness that he sought to destroy. For it is written that only the blood of that lineage has the power to defeat the Curse of man. But in return for their heroism, they must carry on that burden...forever. The Brotherhood of Light fought against the onslaught of the dark armies which laid waste to towns and villages across the land but to little avail.

Even Dracula him was driven mad with grief and rage over the constant cycle of resurrection, rise to power, war against humanity, his defeat and death and eventual rebirth. Raising an army of creatures beholden only to him, he struck with fury and merciless cruelty at humanity. He vowed to hunt God's children for all eternity. But fate still had one last card to play, for Dracula's only son, emerged into the world not as a man but as a creature like his father. He would be a force for good opposing his father's capacity for evil. In that very moment, Alucard swore to destroy Dracula. But fate had something else in mind.

Found and raised by the people of White Mountains, a young Belmont knew little of his lineage and had but one purpose in life to destroy Dracula for the good of the world. After years of training in the arts of war, Simon set off for Dracula's castle, and a date with destiny. Once in the castle, Belmont met Alucard, knowing full well his true identity and purpose, and joined forces with him. Blood bound them together and fate took a hand once again, as finally they met their dreaded foe in mortal combat. Belmont defeated Dracula with the fabled weapon his family, the Vampire Killer. And yet, Alucard sensed that all was not as it should be.

Dracula... would return.

Gasping highly, Luz rose and sat up from the bed she was in. Breathing heavily before calming down a little, she found herself not at home, not in the Boiling Isles, but in a hospital bed, in a gown, hooked up to some monitors. Looking around to see in a hospital room, the same hospital her mother seem to work at, Luz struggled to remember what had happened to her before. It came in glimpses at she held her head in pain, all coming back to her was the vivid memory of her attack on Emperor Belos' castle, saving Eda from execution and suffering through the most tremendous of pain she had ever felt in her life. But now that she was back in the human realm, she wondered.

"...Was it all realm...or just another dream?" She wanted to get up and out of bed, but that is when someone came up to stop her. Gentle hands took her by the arm as she looked up to meet the eyes of someone familiar, and that someone being her mother.

"Luz! Thank God, you're awake!" Camila said as she caught her child in her embrace. "When Ms. Clawthorne came to our house, carrying you while you were unconscious, I feared the worse."

" long have I been out?" Luz asked.

Camila replied "About almost a month. We didn't think y-you'd ever wake up. It was a great relief to see that it was only a coma. But the damage done to your body, you shouldn't have even been able to move."

Looking down at herself, Luz wiggled her feet and then slowly attempted to get up from the bed. Her mother tried to stop her, but Luz raised her hands, saying that it was fine as she then began to stand on her own two feet, rather perfectly, much to the surprise of Camila, who saw her daughter was in no way handicapped or disabled. She supposed that it was to be expected, as when Luz was wheeled into an operating theatre, the doctors to see that her wounds, even the massive stab would that went through abdomen and that should've cut some vital organs, was closing up all the way through. For some, it was unethical, for others, it seemed like a miracle, only Camila knew that this was part of her husband's lineage. But still, she would've at least suspected her daughter to have some problems keeping balance, though she was relieved that wasn't the case.

Luz B. Noceda: The Next Belmont Season 2Where stories live. Discover now