Chapter 3- Part Of Your World

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At a sunken shipwreck is where we find Samantha with her best friend Valerie.

Samantha's POV

"Samantha, wait for me...," Valerie trailed off, swimming behind me. I waved Valerie over.
"Valerie, hurry up!," I yelled. Valerie caught up to me.
"You know I can't swim that fast," Valerie complained. I pointed at the sunken ship in front of us.
"There it is. Isn't it fantastic?," I asked Valerie.
"Yeah... Sure... It, it's great. Now let's get out of here," Valerie spoke. Valerie began to swim away from me.

I yanked Valerie's tail towards me.
"You're not getting cold fins now, are you?," I asked. I swam towards the ship.

Valerie swam after me.
"Who, me? No way. It's just, it, err... It looks damp in there. Yeah. And I think I may be coming down with something. Yeah, I got this cough," Valerie explained, coughing unconvincingly.
"All right. I'm going inside. You can just stay here and watch for sharks," I spoke, swimming through a porthole.
"Okay. Yeah, you go. I'll stay and, what? Sharks! Samantha! Samantha... I can't... I mean, Samantha help!," Valerie yelled at me, trying to squeeze through the porthole only to get stuck. I laughed at Valerie.
"Oh, Valerie," I spoke.
"Samantha, do you really think there might be sharks around here?," Valerie asked me in a whisper. I swam back over to Valerie, getting her free.
"Valerie, don't be such a guppy," I spoke.
"I'm not a guppy. This is great I mean, I really love this. Excitement, adventure, danger lurking around every corn, Samantha!," Valerie yelled, spotting a human skull and screaming before crashing into a pillar, causing a wooden beam to fall down. Valerie swam away, knocking me over.
"Oh, are you okay?," I asked. Valerie started shaking intensely.
"Yeah sure, no problem, I'm okay...," Valerie spoke, trailing off.
"Shhh... Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life?," I asked Valerie, swimming to the upper level of the ship and picking up the strange human object.
"Wow, cool! But, err, what is it?," Valerie asked.
"I don't know. But I bet Jazz will," I spoke, putting the object in my bag.
"What was that? Did you hear something?," Valerie asked me. I stared intently at another human object.
"Hmm, I wonder what this one is?," I asked, ignoring Valerie.
"Samantha...," Valerie trailed off.
"Valerie, will you relax? Nothing is going to happen," I reassured. A shark suddenly appeared in front of a window behind Valerie, its jaws wide open.

The shark chomped down on the glass.
"Ahh! Run! Run! We're going to die!," Valerie yelled. The shark banged its head on the ceiling of the ship.

The shark chased after Valerie and I as we swam to the upper deck of the ship. Valerie screamed as the shark broke through the floor, chomping towards us.

My bag got caught on a plank. I swam back to get my bag.

Valerie swam towards the porthole and got stuck again.
"Oh no!," Valerie yelled. I pushed Valerie through and swam behind her.

Valerie screamed as the shark burst through the wall and chased us around the ship. Valerie bumped into a crossbeam.

The shark lunged for Valerie but missed as she sank to the bottom of the ocean floor, a dazed look on her face. I swam towards Valerie, dropping my bag.

The shark swam towards me but got his head stuck in the ring of an anchor. I picked up my bag.
"You big bully," Valerie spoke to the shark. Valerie blew a raspberry at the shark.

The shark snapped at Valerie as she swam with me to the surface. I laughed.
"Valerie, you really are a guppy," I commented.


On a tiny island, Jazz the Seagull hummed a song and looked through her telescope.
"Fourteen hundred and ninety- two, dah- de- dum- dee- do- do, rum- dim- dim-, dee- do- dee- do," Jazz sang. Jazz stuck her telescope onto her head.
"Jazz!," I yelled. Jazz looked through her telescope from the wrong end.
"Whoa! Mermaid off the port bow! Samantha, how you doin' kid?," Jazz asked me. Jazz lowered her telescope, coming face to face with me.
"Whoa, what a swim!," Jazz exclaimed.
"Jazz look what we found," I said. I pulled my bag off of my body and handed it to Jazz.
"Yeah we were in this sunken ship, it was really creepy," Valerie commented.
"Human stuff, huh? Hey, lemme see," Jazz spoke. Jazz dropped an anchor.

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