Chapter 5- Under The Sea

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In her lair watching Samantha through her magical bubble is where we find Paulina.

Paulina's POV

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't stand it, it's too easy. The child is in love with a human. And not just any human, a prince! Her daddy'll love that. King Jeremy's headstrong, lovesick girl would make a charming addition to my little garden," I spoke to myself. Attached to the floor, hundreds of sad, shriveled creatures squirmed and shook.

I laughed evilly.


Samantha's POV

"Samantha, dear, time to come out. You've been in there all morning," Ember spoke. I emerged from behind a curtain, humming "Part Of Your World" to myself.
"What is with her lately?," Desiree asked. I picked a red flower and swam away.

I bumped into my dad.
"Morning, daddy," I spoke. I put the flower in my dad's hair and swam away, spinning in circles.

Ember's POV

Dad chuckled.
"Oh, she's got it bad," Desiree spoke.
"What? What has she got?," dad asked.
"Isn't it obvious, daddy? Samantha's in love," I explained.
"Samantha? In love?," dad asked. Dad picked the flower from his hair and stared at it.


Samantha's POV

Tucker was pacing on a rock.
"Okay. So far, so good. I don't think the king knows," Tucker spoke. Orange petals fell around Tucker.

One petal landed on Tucker's face. Tucker blew the petal off of his face.
"But it will not be easy keeping something like this a secret for long," Tucker explained. I picked flowers.
"He loves me... Hmmm, he loves me not... He loves me! I knew it!," I cheered, ignoring Tucker. I hugged the last flower petal, proof that Danny loves me.

Tucker sat beside me on my rock.
"Samantha, stop talking crazy," Tucker spoke.
"I gotta see him again, tonight! Jazz knows where he lives," I explained to Tucker. I started to swim away.

Tucker grabbed onto my fins.
"Samantha please. Will you get your head out of the clouds and back in the water where it belongs?," Tucker asked me.
"I'll swim up to his castle. Then Valerie will splash around to get his attention, and then with-." I cut myself off as Tucker stood in front of me.

Tucker's POV

"Down here is your home! Samantha listen to me. The human world, it's a mess. Life under the sea is better than anything they got up there," I explained.
"The seaweed is always greener. In somebody else's lake. You dream about going up there. But that is a big mistake. Just look at the world around you. Right here on the ocean floor. Such wonderful things around you. What more is you lookin' for? Under the sea. Under the sea. Darling it's better. Down where it's wetter. Take it from me. Up on the shore they work all day. Out in the sun they slave away. While we devoting. Full time to floating. Under the sea. Down here all the fish is happy. As off through the waves they roll, yeah. The fish on the land ain't happy. They sad 'cause they in the bowl. But fish in the bowl is lucky. They in for a worser fate. One day when the boss get hungry. Guess who's gonna be on the plate? Oh, no. Under the sea. Under the sea. Nobody beat us. Fry us and eat us. In fricassee. We what the land folks love to cook. Under the sea we off the hook. We got no troubles. Life is the bubbles. Under the sea. Under the sea. Since life is sweet here. We got the beat here. Naturally. Even the sturgeon and that ray. They get the urge and start to play. We got the spirit. You got to hear it. Under the sea. The newt play the flute. The carp play the harp. The plaice play the bass. And they soundin' sharp. The bass play the brass. The chub play the tub. The fluke is the duke of soul. Yeah. The ray he can play. The ling's on the strings. The trout's rocking out. The blackfish she sings. The smelt and the sprat. They know where it's at. And oh that blowfish blow. Under the sea. Under the sea. When the sardine. Begin the beguine. It's music to me. What do they got? A lot of sand. We got a hot crustacean band. Each little clam here. Know how to jam here. Under the sea. Each little slug here. Cutting a rug here. Under the sea. Each little snail here. Know how to wail here. That's why it's hotter. Under the water. Ya we in luck here. Down in the muck here. Under the sea," I sang. I pointed to Samantha's empty place.

I frowned.
"Samantha? Samantha? Oh... Somebody's got to nail that girl's fins to the floor," I mumbled to myself.
"Tucker! Tucker, I've been looking all over for you. I've got an urgent message from the sea king," a seahorse spoke, swimming over to me.
"The sea king?," I asked. The seahorse started to tug me along.
"He wants to see you right away, something about Samantha," the seahorse explained. I gasped.
"He knows!," I yelled. Samantha was in trouble.

I was in trouble.

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