Chapter 10- Happy Ending

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Walking down the aisle together is where we find Paulina and Danny.

Paulina's POV

Wulf snarled at me as I walked past him. I kicked Wulf.

A short bishop stood at the end of the aisle.
"Dearly beloved...," the bishop trailed off.

Samantha's POV

Valerie was pulling me.
"Don't worry Samantha. Ugh, we, we're gonna make it. We're almost there," Valerie reassured me.

Paulina's POV

"Yes, um, do you Danny, take Star, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?," the bishop asked. I stared at the sun, noticing it was about to set.
"I do," Danny spoke. Jazz squawked.
"Eh, and do you...," the bishop trailed off as a squadron of bluebirds swooped down from the sky, led by Jazz, heading straight for me. I ducked.

Jazz and the bluebirds circled around and flew under my dress. Wulf barked.

The guests were alarmed as sea lions boarded the deck. Pelicans flew overhead and dumped beaks full of water on me.

A lobster pinched my nose as a starfish tackled me.
"Then by the power inves- Get away from me you slimy little-." I got cut off as a sea lion tossed me into the air on his nose.

Samantha's POV

I finally reached the ship and climbed aboard. Sea lions tossed Paulina into the wedding cake.

Paulina popped out of the wedding cake, furious as three dolphins squirted water in her face. Jazz squawked in Paulina's face.
"Oh, why you little-." Paulina cut herself off as she started to strangle Jazz. Wulf broke free from his leash.

Wulf bit Paulina in the butt as Jazz pulled at Paulina's necklace, which went flying through the air. The necklace broke and my voice was returned to me.

The spell on Danny was broken as he grabbed his head.
"Samantha?," Danny asked me.
"Danny," I answered. Wulf barked happily at me.
"You, you can talk. You're the one," Danny spoke. Danny ran over to me and held my hands in his.
"Danny, get away from her!," Paulina yelled, her voice returning to normal. Paulina covered her mouth.
"It, it was you all the time," Danny said to me.
"Oh, Danny, I- I wanted to tell you," I confessed.
"Danny no!," Paulina yelled. The sun sat as Danny was about to kiss me.

My legs transformed back into my mermaid tail. Paulina laughed evilly.
"You're too late! You're too late!," Paulina yelled. Paulina pulled off her dress, transforming back into her true form.

The crowd gasped in shock.
"So long, loverboy," Paulina spoke to Danny. Paulina slithered across the deck, grabbed me and dove over the edge of the ship.
"Samantha!," Danny yelled.
"Poor little princess, it's not you I'm after. I've a much bigger fish to- Paulina, stop!," dad yelled, cutting Paulina off. Dad pointed his glowing trident at Paulina.
"Why, King Jeremy. Ha ha ha. How are you?," Paulina asked. Dad glared at Paulina.
"Let her go!," dad yelled. Paulina glared at dad as she tightened her grip on me.
"Not a chance, Jeremy! She's mine now. We made a deal," Paulina explained. Paulina showed dad the glowing scroll as Dash and Kwan restrained me.
"Daddy, I'm sorry! I- I- I didn't mean to. I didn't know-." I got cut off as dad zapped a beam at Paulina's contract, which remained unharmed.
"You see? The contract's legal, binding and completely unbreakable, even for you. Of course, I always was a girl with an eye for a bargain. The daughter of the great sea king is a very precious commodity," Paulina explained. Paulina let go of the contract as a golden light swirled around me.
"Samantha- But, I might be willing to make an exchange for someone even better...," Paulina trailed off, cutting dad off. Paulina placed her tentacle on dad's crown.

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