Chapter 9- Poor Unfortunate Souls, Part 2

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In her lair, watching Danny and Samantha through a bubble is where we find Paulina.

Paulina's POV

"Nice work, boys. That was a close one. Too close. The little tramp! Oh, she's better than I thought. At this rate, he'll be kissing her by sunset for sure," I mumbled to myself. I swam to my shelf of ingredients and smashed them aside, picking up some ingredients.
"Well, it's time Paulina took matters into her own tentacles!," I yelled. I smashed the ingredients into my cauldron, sending puffs of smoke into the water.
"Jeremy's daughter will be mine, and then I'll make him writhe. I'll see him wriggle like a worm on a hook!," I yelled. I laughed as I clutched my shell necklace.

A golden light shone brightly behind me. I transformed into a human, Samantha's voice becoming my own.

Danny's POV

The moon was shining brightly. I was on my terrace, playing "Part Of Your World" on my flute.

I gazed out at the sea longingly as dad walked over to me. Dad wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Danny, if I may say, far better than any dream girl, is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring, and right before your eyes," dad spoke. I stared up at a window, my eyes locking onto Samantha in her nightgown, combing her hair with a fork.

I smiled at Samantha. I stared at my flute in sadness.

I glared at my flute as I took a step back, throwing it into the water. I stared at Samantha's window, about to walk over to it but I stopped.

I heard my dream girl's voice vocalizing "Ahhh". I leant over the edge of my terrace, noticing a woman walking along the shore.

I squinted my eyes, trying to take in her features better. The shell necklace hanging around her neck glowed brightly.

An eerie golden mist surrounded me. The mist filled my eyes, enchanting me.


Samantha's POV

Jazz flew over to my window.
"Samantha! Samantha, wake up! Wake up! I just heard the news. Congratulations, kiddo, we did it!," Jazz cheered. Jazz shook my hand as I sat up, still half asleep.

Tucker yawned as he tried to go back to sleep.
"What is this idiot blabbing about?," Tucker asked.
"Right, as if you two didn't know, uh? The whole town's buzzin' about the prince gettin' himself hitched this afternoon! You know, he's getting married!," Jazz exclaimed. Jazz picked Tucker up and rubbed his head.
"You silly sidewalker! I just wanted to wish you luck. I'll catch you later, I wouldn't miss it!," Jazz reassured me. Jazz flew out of the widow.

My eyes widened. I jumped out of bed, scooping up Tucker and twirling him around, planting a kiss on his head.

I fluffed my hair and rushed out of my room, running down the stairs. Tucker followed me.
"Well, uh, err, Danny. I- It appears that I was mistaken," Jack spoke. I stopped in my tracks, shocked.

I hid behind a beam.
"This mystery maiden of yours does, in fact exist. And, and she is lovely. Congratulations, my dear," Jack spoke to the woman standing next to Danny, holding her hand.
"We wish to be married as soon as possible," Danny said.
"Oh, yes, of course, Danny, but, er, but these things do take time, you know...," Jack trailed off.
"This afternoon, dad. The wedding ship departs at sunset," Danny explained.
"Oh, oh, very well, Danny, as you wish," Jack spoke. I started to cry as I ran away.

Paulina's POV

I touched my necklace and laughed as Danny stood next to me, stiff and completely under a trance.


Samantha's POV

The wedding boat departed from the dock. I stood on the dock, watching helplessly.

I sunk to the ground, burying my head in my hands and cried. Tucker stared at me before he bowed his head in sadness.

A tear rolled down my cheek and fell into the water. Valerie started to cry.

Jazz flew above the ship.

Jazz's POV

I peeked through the porthole to see a woman singing to herself. The woman threw a hairpin at the angel figure in her mirror.

I gulped, Danny's bride wasn't Samantha.

Paulina's POV

I stepped up to my vanity, crushing a bottle. I twirled around and pulled the mirror towards me.

My true face stared right back at me.
"What a lovely little bride I'll make, my dear I'll look divine. Things are working out according to my ultimate design. Soon I'll have that little mermaid and the ocean will be mine!," I sang.

Jazz's POV

"The sea witch! Oh no... She's, I gotta...," I trailed off as I bumped my head on the porthole. I flew back to Samantha.

Samantha's POV

"Samantha! Samantha! Samantha. I was flying, I wa, of course I was flying, an', I s- saw that the watch, the witch was watchin' a mirror, and she was singin' with a stolen set o' pipes!," Jazz yelled. Jazz picked up Tucker and clanked him against the ground repeatedly.
"Do you hear what I'm tellin' you? The prince is marrying the sea witch in disguise!," Jazz yelled. My jaw dropped.

Tucker rubbed his head.
"Are you sure about this?," Tucker asked.
"Have I ever been wrong? I mean when it's important!," Jazz yelled.
"What are we gonna do!?," Valerie exclaimed. I stared at the setting sun as Paulina's voice echoed in my head.
"Before the sun sets on the third day...". I jumped into the water and splashed around helplessly. Tucker cut some barrels free so I could hang onto them.
"Samantha, grab on to that. Valerie, get her to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you!," Tucker ordered.
"I'll try," Valerie spoke. Valerie looped herself onto the rope and pulled me along to the boat.

Jazz's POV

"I've gotta get to the sea king. He must know about this," Tucker spoke.
"What, what about me? What about me?," I asked.
"You, find a way to stall that wedding!," Tucker ordered.
"Stall the wedding. Wh- What am I, what, that's it!," I yelled. I squawked and took off for the lagoon, alerting the other birds.

Bluebirds and flamingoes followed me. Starfish, lobsters, dolphins and sea lions stared at me.

The starfish, lobsters, dolphins and sea lions started to follow me.
"Move it, let's go, we got an emergency here!," I yelled. I was going to stall that wedding.

Samantha was going to get her happy ending.

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