10- Trust

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Like glass it is, trust.
When broken, it shall forever be broken.

Painful and agonising it progressively becomes as sharp shards slice through skin, ripping tissues apart.
The feeling of betrayal, oh so excruciating and anguishing.

The unbalanced scales of right and wrong...
of truth and lie...
of good and evil.

A watery, broken mess, you are,
knocked down by a traitorous blow,
a punch in the gut,
a squeeze of the heart,
a loss of breath,
a total mess.

A night sky with no stars and no moon,
lost and plunged under a sea of pain and suffering.

But the sun shall rise after every dark night,
gracing the world with its blindingly, bright light.
And so you can also rise,
from beneath the waters,
and spread the light within you.


- I.S

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